So what's your opinion of Wii Fit?

Wii_Pro said:
It's $69.99. I think its STUPID.

i think it's great........i can't always get to the gym and my wii is open 24/7.....69.99 is less than 2 months in membership fees to any reputable gym.....maybe not a better work out, but it's only what you make of it.
I think it's nifty.
And new.

So once I find 77 bucks lying around, I'ma get that there Wii Fit.

It's going to be one of those, "You gotta try this" deals.
And then if devs down the line can use this in their own games...

With as good as graphics as good as the wii can churn out...
Utilization of the wiimote and nunchuck....
And a balance board?

C'mon. If devs can get it right, we'll have us a whole 'nother genre of gaming.
obviously you've never seen a super morbidly obese person 10 mins a day would produce drastic results, but then what is the weight limit on the board?
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braschlosa said:
24 hour fitness? Only fatasses think they will get fit or lose weight with a video game.

It's not about losing weight. It's about everyday exercise.
And are you offended to fat people? Cuz that doesn't sound really good.
i also think its dumb you mine as well go running and get a health schedule off the internet and just get DDR better of a work out then doing areobics
I'll probably get it. I currently go to the gym but I tend to get bored with scheduled work outs and end up looking for something new. This might help fill the gap. Also, it's nice to work out at home.

As for the balance board, I doubt it will get adopted by other devs but it could be really cool if it did.

I will most likely get it.
I'm not a fat teenager. My girlfriend is a personal trainer and she is interested in getting the WiiFit after seeing the video.

For you hardcore gamers who think that you can't get in shape in front of a video game, this is no different than watching someone in a workout class. They show you what to do, then have you repeat that activity plus others. There are two blogs on the web about guys losing weight using Wii Sports. So, it can be done.

Another view point. Computers are becoming part of everyday life. Almost everyone has a tv and companies are trying combine web, tv, computers, etc... together. If Nintendo can provide a device that entertains, lets you surf the web, and let's you keep track of your daily workout, what is wrong with that?

Nintendo is trying to get people to think beyond what gaming is. Apparently some people on this board can't/won't get it.
My opinion is Ehhhh..but maybe they will make a tony hawk compatible with it, would be pretty cool but i would probably break the thing
Ashton_burke4 said:
obviously you've never seen a super morbidly obese person 10 mins a day would produce drastic results, but then what is the weight limit on the board?
over the course of YEARS. besides, the wii isnt gonna tell anybody to stop eating, to change their diet, or where they need to work out.

for $70, i can buy crunches, push ups, pull ups, and jumping jacks. oh wait, those are FREE.

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