So what's your opinion of Wii Fit?

braschlosa said:
Complete Gimmick. Just another way for Nintendo to get you to buy more peripherals.
My thoughts exactly...Nintendo's a money whore. They do these kinds of things. not to downplay Nintendo, while they may be a money whore, they're definitely a smart money whore.

Could be cool though, we'll just have to wait and see.
Hey, I know I certainly need to get some kind of exercise in my life! Im so addicted to my amazing games that I just dont really have the paitence to do anything else :lol: So mixing games and excercise together is a GREAT idea. Supposedly theres going to be some yoga involved so thats great....I dont have to take classes and I dont have google yoga now :lol:! I cant get fat because my high metabolism, but I still want to be healthy and feel healthy.
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eskiemong said:
Cuz some say that it doesn't worth that much money..(I heard it's about 60$)
People say that they would rather go to fitness center across the street.
If you're diligent enough to go there everyday, maybe you're right.
But not everyone's like that!
I don't even walk a single minute to exercise. Wii Fit is for lazy people like me..
I'd rather not do anything if I have to go out and workout.. But if I have Wii Fit in my livingroom, I will. Of course it won't be better than acutally going to the fitness center, but it's better than doing nothing!
And moreover, it's worth keeping it even if you don't play the Wii Fit becuz it's really good to introduce Wii to ur friends and family. Like Wii Sports!(Probably better than Wii Sports)
what i think of the wiifit would be a "six-pack".....thats why im gonna get it....
I've already got a custom made home gym so i'll pass. nice idea for people that want to get fit but dont want to do too much. and possibly have some fun
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trevorsantos said:
what i think of the wiifit would be a "six-pack".....thats why im gonna get it....

i'm afraid you cant spot reduce adipose tissue, a visible six pack comes from diet. you can build up the muscle but thats better done with heavy weight and low reps, all still meaning less it you dont know how to manipulate your diet and effect your metabolism.
Well, i will be buying one. Im really looking forward to it. Anyone who is going on about push up's, jogging and gym membership well that's great for you but that does not appeal to me, im not fat but im not fit at all, very unfit probably. This will be a fun way of getting a little aerobic and muscle stretching excersise in a fun way that i can do whenever i might have some time to do it.

Im not expecting the world from this, but considering getting to pro on the tennis and boxing in wii sports left me aching for day's im sure it will do me good and be fun too.

It will fit in with my family life very nicely.
I'm sure my family will be adding this to our wii collection. I can understand how this wouldn't appeal to the young hardcore audience or the gym rats, but it really appeals to my family, especially my wife. Not to mention the video has peaked my extended family's interest in the Wii. I can imagine that several of the neigh sayers would change their tunes if they were dealing with the constraints of trying to get to the gym with 3 young kids and a full time job. I guess this is just one more example as to why the Wii is doing so well, it has something for everyone and is really focusing on the older lapsed/non-gamer demographic.
IMO i think this is kinda gimmiky. if i wanted to keep myself fit i would go outside and do something, it doesnt cost anything to do a press up on the floor(unless you live in a twisted country where its illegal) im thinking it will only appeal to old people and fat nerds who think this will cure there obesityness(i know its not a word)
I don't judge anything until it's released...but so far it looks interesting.
WiiFit with the Balance Board is similar to how I see WiiSports with the Wii. It's a half-decent game that introduces you to the basic features of the product. We all knew that the Wii had a lot of potential before it was released, and based on the WiiFit commercial, it's without a doubt that the Balance Board has a lot of potential as well.

However, unlike the Balance Board, the Wii had a line of launch games (including Twilight Princess) that made its potential a reality as soon as the Wii hit the shelves. It seems that the Balance Board will not have that luxury. So until more games are announced that implement the board, I doubt its sales will soar as high as Nintendo hopes.

Also, is 70 dollars such a high price? Many Wii owners have easily spent hundreds of dollars on games alone. 70 bucks doesn't seem so bad after you make the comparison. Moreover, I'm hope when more games are released for the Balance Board, Nintendo will make decision to sell the Balance Board without the WiiFit. This will allow individuals to save a little bit of money from not having to purchase WiiFit. Additionally, as multiplayer games are released for the Balance Board, households will not need more than one copy of WiiFit laying around.
Being 13, I don't have a big need for excersize. Still, I think it is a cool idea, especially with the balance board. I might get it when it comes out, as long as it has events to get platinum medals in ;)

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