stand if your arm gets tired?

That would be rather stupid. Because first off if your arms get tired that would mean you have been playing for too long. You shouldnt play on a console for more than an atleast 2 hours without having a 30 minute break. This is what causes obesity! Fat kids just sitting on their consoles all day without getting your daily exercise! All that is recommended is 30 minutes of hard exercise a day. So with that 30 minute break go get off your arse and exercise! Although this does not solve the hurting of arms since exercises would increase the pain. So I suggest you go have a nap....MmmMMmm nap
motherbrainrulez said:
if you was playin redsteel for a long time and your arm got tired wouldn't it be great if nintendo made a stand to hold your arm up? lol
Wouldn't that restrict movement? Besides, I'm not sure whether you'd normally get tired, especially when you're sat down. The remote isn't exactly heavy, and when you're moving your arm about, surely it would build up your muscles.

I can see the UK obesity problem floating away already...
Well im geting treatment for my shoulder
buggerd it training/working to hard

its costing all my wii funds
Napalmbrain said:
The traditional thing to do when your arm feels tired while playing video games is to just take a break for a little while.

Absolute genius. :lol:
I was playing tetris DS for an hour and a half straight. It hurt to move them higher than my hips for a while after... But that was differant... not a matter of them being tired, more of NOT moving them at all....!!!
I once played on a VR machean was on for about a hour (top score)
took the eye things off and every thing went pixely for about an hour


you can play like on a chair or something, keeping your elbow and most of your arm on the arms of the chair and having your wrist to hand off it so you can play.
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Icetrash said:
That would be rather stupid. Because first off if your arms get tired that would mean you have been playing for too long. You shouldnt play on a console for more than an atleast 2 hours without having a 30 minute break. This is what causes obesity! Fat kids just sitting on their consoles all day without getting your daily exercise! All that is recommended is 30 minutes of hard exercise a day. So with that 30 minute break go get off your arse and exercise! Although this does not solve the hurting of arms since exercises would increase the pain. So I suggest you go have a nap....MmmMMmm nap
when you got school the next day sleeping isn't the right thing to do, the right thing to do is play a console all night then sleep when you get home so thats why my arm would get tired.
ps i am extremely healthy but that doesn't mean your arm can't hurt.
its not just the remote, its the fact that youre constantly moving your arm. like what others have said and take a break
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resstealth said:
id suggest taking a break. its really sad if you'd get tired over waving a tiny, lightweight remote.
did you not read the post? i said playin all night also your no halo master i am!

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