Sterotyping Wii's Graphics


Aug 6, 2006
Im sick of fanboys and people saying Wiis graphics suck, just cuase its the weakest out of the 3 dosent mean its bad, most people havent even seen GCN footage which is Wii's graphics, im sick of it, and expeissaly sony fanboys, last gen they had shitiest graphics with PS2 but not Wii dose and they think they have the right to rip on it!?
I think the wii has rather good graphics I mean Twilight princess and Sonic look great plus Wii wasn't made for the bst graphics so it won't have them the ps3 was built for graphics so it has them better then anyone else
Lord Haku said:
I think the wii has rather good graphics I mean Twilight princess and Sonic look great plus Wii wasn't made for the bst graphics so it won't have them the ps3 was built for graphics so it has them better then anyone else

when exactly did you write xbox 360 off?

And yes. The Wii should have significantly improved graphics over the GCN. I believe that at SD, the difference won't even be noticible between say the Wii and PS3. Standard Definition has a low ceiling. That's why HD was necessitated for other consoles who are obsessed with bringing the best graphics.
Lord Haku said:
Sorry dude but the ps3 cleary has better graphics a simple fact

Eh. A simple fact would be pushing it. I think the graphics in the Halo 3 trailer absolutely PWN anything i've seen out on the PS3. So let's just leave it as your opinoin.

And it all depends on how you look at it. To me one of the real meaning of next-gen is graphics, and when I saw Red Steel and Zelda: Twilight Princess for the first time on the Wii I was sorely disappointed. It looked like they didn't really attempt to update the GCN graphics... they just sorta adapted the games to the Wii controller which kinda sucks. But oh well, knowing Nintendo they'll have same really awesome games.
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Lord Haku said:
Sorry dude but the ps3 cleary has better graphics a simple fact

Sony drone. They don't even have a working PS3 model yet. Anything u've seen is Sony hype. Remember the emotion engine for PS2? 100 times more powerful than PS1? They r feeding you lies, and 'cause u're about 12, you just don't get it...
Well, for a small price of $250 for a console is barely anything for pretty decent graphics and motion sensing.

I'd be fine with worse graphics and still motion sensing.

And really, if graphics are sooooo important, then how come thousands of people still enjoy OoT?

Wii is heading in the right direction, although we know the graphics "specs" isn't as advance as Sony's or MS's consoles, it does have it's pros.

I can't remember how long, probably when 3d games started becoming popular and graphic chip giants ATi/NVidia starts making better 3d cards... when 3dfx went down drain. Games been too concentrated on nice graphics. The great gameplay found on things like the NES or SNES... w/e console's lost. People became to busy looking at crazy gfx that the gameplay completely went down the drain. And of course why wouldn't it? Developement cost goes up as game complexity continues to increase. Complexity just increase more with the nice visuals, balancing money and developement - nice graphics SELLS, leaving gameplay dry.

I for one probably fell into this category once, but I think after so much nice effects, I want gameplay back.
Well, I think that the Wii has exellent graphics. Not everything is about graphics it is also about gameplay. If a game has the best graphics of all but it is boring then people will not like it even if it has the best graphics.
Welll i've loved all the graphics for Wii so far.. just coz PS3's gonna have better graphics doesn't mean Wii hasn't got good graphics... and no I ain't hatin on PS3 what-so-ever, only thing I hate on PS3 is the price
I'm not bothered by the Wii's graphics. They're not as detailed as on the PS3, but they don't need to be, because in some games they're still rather nice in an artistic way. You could think of it as comparing a painting to a photograph- a photograph will obviously be far more detailed than a painting could ever be, but both can be considered artistic when done right.
ZeLdA4LiFe said:
wii's the best bottom line. the wii is out for the gamers and not for their money.

Amen Brother! I DOnt Really Like Those Fancy Shmancy Systems... Too Many Buttons, Too Many Things To De-Bug, Etc.
Napalmbrain said:
I'm not bothered by the Wii's graphics. They're not as detailed as on the PS3, but they don't need to be, because in some games they're still rather nice in an artistic way. You could think of it as comparing a painting to a photograph- a photograph will obviously be far more detailed than a painting could ever be, but both can be considered artistic when done right.

beautifully said.
anyway, think about it, the PS3 and xBox are just the same old same old, with better graphics. the wii is something completely new and once people realise that, they won't give a damn about the graphics

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