Stop slating the Ps3

hotpotato78 said:
you welcome .no problem. I just like to see people be mature about things
That's what makes the forum go round. ^_^ I wouldn't have been on here for a year if that wasn't true.
these videos prove the ps3 Sucks
Why PS3 sucks?
The PS3 is a FAILURE!
I find it funny how sony fanboys want to associate the Wii with poor pathetic people who couldn't afford a p$3 even if their life depended on it while p$3 owners are supposedly richer and somehow better off in life because they're getting all the fancy (but totally uncessary) goodies that it has inside of it. The fact is that people LIKE the Wii because of many factors. The price is just one of them. It has a great controller and more than enough great games both available now and coming soon. Online is coming soon and will be free. The Miis are a fun and yet easy way to create a virtual network/community of friends. Meanwhile the Virtual Console is allowing everyone to enjoy the old games they had so much fun with as a child while introducing new gamers to the great games of the past. And the other great channels such as News, Photo, and Forecast that provide lots of media and information. All this serves to create a BROAD appeal to people of all ages, races, both sexes, and regiions of the world. THATS WHY its doing well not only in Japan but in America, Europe, Australia, and other countries as well.
FR. said:
No, that's wrong, you don't have to be rich and spoiled to afford a PS3, I know you are generalizing, but you still not point that out. :zzz:

You people need to stop assuming and altering words around. No where did i say you had to be rich. And i am not generalizing either. You are totally butchering and misreading my post.

I didnt say rich, those are your words. I did say, for christmas, the PS3 is one of those items you usually end up buying for yourself and not as much as a gift. Lets put it this way, you dont have to be rich to afford a ps3, but its rare that a family member will drop 500-600 dollars on a system for a kid. Where as its much more likely they would do so for the Wii. The wii is easier to buy for a christmas present than a PS3 due to the nature of the Wii. The only hard part is finding one.

So no, i am not wrong. You shouldnt butcher other peoples post though.
kanfayo said:
Ok, well before i got my Wii, i would play the Ps3 when i was at walmart. And the first time i played it i went "Wow! those graphics are amazing!" but i only really cared for like 5 minutes. And when i look at zelda TP on my wii, it seems to have just as good graphics as NBA Live 07 on the Ps3. The truth of the matter is, the HD graphics are a plus, but really only for the first 5 minutes. Also, the Bluray storage only allows more storage space for the HD Graphics, and plays some movies that are already out on DvD. So the Bluray and HD games don't really help it that much... Moving on to the Music/video/picture storage, I have to admit, this is a bonus for the ps3, but the Wii has picture storage, and my iPod has the other two. My iPod cost $175, and 600-(250+175)= $175 more dollars that i don't want to pay.

So all in all, the only significant thing that makes the Ps3 in competition with the wii is it's mulimedia storage. Which, when i got my wii, i already had my iPod, but i understand some ppl may not have one. Now i understand the whole big thing is about having every feature in one machine, but is it really worth the extra $175?

I think the Ps3 is waaaay overpriced. If ur obsessed with HD gaming, get a least then u'll have halo 3... And if ur into fun gaming, get a wii (if u still want the music and video storage, u can get an iPod...which you can take with you in the car) but if u want HD and are obsessed with getting it with multimedia storage all in one package, and are willing to pay $175 more than necessary...get a Ps3...but for now, i'm fine with my Wii.

If anyone is color blind this reponse might be difficult. Im not flaming you either, just addressing some misconceptions. Take no offense.

Ok, for blue. I dont think you understand what Blue Ray is doing for the gaming side of the PS3. One one front, it will help prevent piracey, because 50 gigabite games are not going to be easily downloadable, but thats just an afterthought on my part.
The main thing Blue Ray does is that it offers the chance for developers to put more content into a game. This can include bigger worlds, higher rez textures, detail, cinematic scenes and overall game content.
The makers of the game chronicals of riddick (perhaps one of the best games made in a long time) is making a game called thedarkness. Its based off a comic. Now, its going multiplatform for 360 and PS3. So why is this relevant? In an interview the producer Anthony Daluca pretty much compared what they are able to do with the game. He said, the 360 limited what they can really fit onto the game so it became difficult, but with blue ray, the PS3 version will include much more of what they can offer. He pointed out that a nice feature in the game is streaming media, there will be full length movies, shows, commercials..ect (real ones) streaming from TVs, movie theatures..ect in the game world. You can browse through the channels and even watch them. The difference is, the playstation 3 will have an incredible ammount more to be watched and displayed on the tvs within the game. Developers are just starting to take advantage of what blue ray can offer.
Its much more than an HD medium of storage. To get HDroms for the 360 you have to pay 200$ for an external drive, that will only play movies. PS3 is the only console on the market to take full advanage of HD and is the only one to have a drive that works with Games not just movies in HD.

Color Green. Your Ipod should have nothing to do with gaming consoles, as well you cant really put any gaming console in your pocket like you could an ipod. The closes handheld gaming devices that are worth it include the psp and ds. The psp is easier, but in the end, nothing will ever beat the ipod(mp3) player device at what it specializes in. Its kind of pointless to bring that up.
I also noticed you only priced the most expensive version of the PS3. A more accurate and non biased approach would be to say 499$-599$. You get what you pay for hardware wise. Fun can never be measured in how much you have to pay for it. The best and most fun things in life are often free.

Red. The PS3 is not over priced. Period. But its more than a lot of people feel comfortable spending, thats to be expected. You keep comparing everything to a Ipod, and since they server two different functions i do not think they are comparable at all. I believe its not what system can have storage as much as how each system uses that storage. For example, GTA can be linked to the folder in which your music is put into, and then when your playing the game you can have that music inside the game itself. Or with sing star, you can download the music but it functions also as a karaeoki..ka.. damn cant spell that.. one sec...Karaoke song as well. Its all about how a system takes advantage of that secondary media, not which one can hold more of it.

As of right now, the only system that can take full advantage of HD is the PS3, where as the 360 uses it to an extent, and the wii uses it not at all. HD is more than good graphics, its a higher resolution. And for gamers, the bigger the resolution, the more beautiful the games tend to look. PS3 gives you an Blue ray drive, plays HDmovies and Games. 360 you need to spend 200$ more to play HDmovies. You really dont have to pay more for the PS3 to get anything more out of it other than a HDMI if you have a HDCP tv. That HDMI cable costs 10 bucks. 360 you are paying to play online, the PS3 is free. It balances out. So you telling people if they just want HD to get a 360 is excluding the fact they will need to pay 200$ more for an external drive thave an HD player.

In the end, the nintendo Wii cannot fullfill all the functionality or power of the 360 or PS3.. but then again you are not paying for it either. The wii is cheap, its price = what you get. This is not a bad thing because it allows you to enjoy more than one console for a price that wont break you. The wii is a perfect companion to have for one of the more powerful consoles.

MysticGohan said:
these videos prove the ps3 Sucks
Why PS3 sucks?

If you knew the facts, you would know just about everything said in those videos are NOT true. They are not factual. Addressing the Cell processor: It is not harder to develope games for it. Its made to be that if you made a game for PS2 you would find the PS3 easier. It relies more on C++ and newer formulas of programming to take full advantage of its power. Programming languages evolve over time as technology evolves. Its just a matter of using the current methods. Read here:
Conclusion: Is Cell Programming Difficult?

It’s pretty obvious that Cell programming is going to be a pretty involved process and there’s a lot of things to be considered. However, is it really that different from the way you might program other processors?

The part of an application running on the SPEs is likely to be only a small fraction of an application so you are not likely to be dealing with a large chunk of code. Most of the code you write will most likely be just normal code and will run on the PPE, this will be pretty much the same as programming any system, that said as the initial Cell’s PPE is an in-order core and uses the same memory system you’ll probably want to be careful with anything compute sensitive. Profiling for bottlenecks will of course be helpful.

The closest thing to programming the Cell today is programming Altivec on a top end PowerMac. The current top end PowerMacs have 4 G5 cores, each of these have Altivec / VMX engines so you’ll be using the multithreading and vector programming techniques. Not only are the instruction sets very similar but you’ll use many of the same techniques (loop unrolling, pipelining, branch removal etc.). The G5s do not have local stores but Altivec programming uses cache control instructions to ensure good data flow, these are analogous to the DMA commands on the Cell.

I think the ultimate answer to the question will be dependant on the individual programmer.

If you are used to programming with high level languages such as Perl or Python this will all seem rather alien to you and you’ll be more likely to get the impression Cell development will be difficult.

If you’ve developed optimised C or C++ you should have a better understanding of what’s involved and will recognise that extra work is involved.

If you’ve developed SSE and / or Altivec code in C and understand multithreading you’ll probably recognise almost everything here and be wondering what all the fuss is about.

If you’ve developed for the Playstation 2 or tried general purpose programming on GPUs you may be thinking Cell development looks easy!

Getting something running on Cell should be pretty trivial process - if you don’t use the SPEs. Getting the best out of it however is a different matter as there will be a lot of work involved. Most of what is involved is pretty straight forward but there are a lot of things to be learned and considered which you don’t usually need to bother with. Cell also offers new programming models, new thread communication techniques and DMA lists, all of these can be utilised to improve performance, but you will need to understand them in order to utilise them.

The part of Cell programming which look hairiest is multithreading, it is already known to difficult. However, this is not a Cell specific problem, with all vendors going multicore you’ll most likely going to have to learn multithreading anyway.

The upside to all this is you can potentially get enormous speed ups for what is now a rapidly increasing range of applications. Only you can judge if the extra work is worth it.

Also the numbers are wrong in that video you linked. MGS4 was stated by the maker himself that it will only be on PS3 because nothing else can play what he made the game to be. He said he would consider making NEW games (different from MGS4) for the Wii, 360 and his personal favorite the PC.

The video also states it will be nearly impossible for small developer groups to make games for it due to the budget required. thats not true. Look at flOW. Its a game made by a couple of guys that is downloadable off the internet, even the small fries can make games for the PS3 which runs Linux, the most popular OS for programmers. The budgets for games are averaged at about 8million, but like the movie industry, no product is limited to that budget. There can be small budget games and blockbuster games with thier large budgets.

Anyways, i suggest you watch this:
its fairly accurate except for the exclusives list the maker mentions, which looks like he saw an unupdated report.
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Shiftfallout said:

The ps3 is one of those things you buy for yourself, not much of a christmas present unless you get spoiled or have someone in your family willing to drop 500-600 bucks on you for a single present. To note the PS3 is probably not good for some age groups.

The Wii is much cheaper, affordable for christmas buyers and can be given to just about anyone.

Yea, I agree. I would buy a PS3/Xbox360 when I see some excellent games. The Wii just has a little more of a "gift" aura...It's has the great games, but is a lot cheaper and therefore a perfect target for Christmas/Chanukah/Holiday shoppers. The PS3 is something where if you want it, you buy it.

EDIT: HOWEVER. After reading your above post, (yes, the entire post--you gotta cut down man), I disagree with your final "thesis" statement. The Wii is its own console; it's not a companion for another console. Just because something is cheap doesn't mean you have to have an expensive competitor to go along with it.
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I'm glad he made that video. Yes, it's far harder to program on the PS3. It costs far more to fill over 25gb of content. Look at Xeno Saga 1-3. I'm posting this video every time someone tries to defend this Atari 5200 clone.

What does slating mean? Did he mean slamming? The person could at least use proper grammar.
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Today, my sister and I went to GameStop because she wanted to reserve a copy of Pokemon Diamond. They had just gotten a shipment of some Wiis and when we walked inside there was a huge group of people waiting for them to unpack them. They were pretty excited as they were probably waiting to get their hands on the Wii for many months, lol. Anyways, one of the employees was like, "We also have some PS3's in the back, does anyone want one?" And they were all like, "Eww, noo!" was pretty funny...just thought I'd share a bit of my exciting day...:D
If they could make a PS3 without the Blue-ray, the price would probably drop dramatically, and I might consider getting one when some good games come out for it.
For me, I got a Wii the first day it came out, because I thought it would be fun, and it is. Why I haven't gotten a PS3 is because I haven't seen anything "fun" for it yet. I don't care if graphics are so good your eyes will bleed. The best thing I've seen for the PS3 is Little Big World, which I would love to play.

If the PS3 had fun games and the Wii didn't, I'd be saying the same thing about the Wii in place of the PS3. But theres just too many things that the PS3 has that don't appeal to me. Sure I'd like to get one, but whats the point at the moment? It doesn't even sound like a game console. Sure, you say it plays games, but so does a cellphone. It just seems to me, like its an Blue-ray player first and a game console second... or third. If you only care for great graphics, never look at a t.v. again. Look around you. Now THOSE are the best graphics.

The best graphics and the worst gameplay is a movie.
The best gameplay and the worst graphics is still a game, and a great one.

I kinda apologize for this post, because I've read so much hype of the graphics thing across the internet... and needed to vent about it. And this is mostly directed at the people who believe superior graphics make the game.
My god the Wii owns... said:
EDIT: HOWEVER. After reading your above post, (yes, the entire post--you gotta cut down man), I disagree with your final "thesis" statement. The Wii is its own console; it's not a companion for another console. Just because something is cheap doesn't mean you have to have an expensive competitor to go along with it.

Im impressed you read it all. I was totally expecting "i didnt read it but i dissagree with you, go outside and step in Sh**".

The wii definately is its own console, i feel it lacks the functionality of the PS3 in its open ended system capabilties and mass storage, and it lacks the solid game selection of the 360. But each system has its pros and cons, just as the PS3 and 360 are lacking the simpe interactive fun of the wii. The wii is a small happy cheerful system, almost as if it has a personality. This is why i believe it makes a perfect companion along with another system.

If you want the things the PS3 can do, your gonna have to get a PS3, if you want the things a Wii can do, you are going to have to get a wii. Thankfully the wii is priced in such a way that its entirely possible to enjoy both without having to pick one or the other.

I tend to play the Wii when im in the mood to play with my body (that sounded bad) and play with the PS3 when i want to play with the mind. If they PS3 is eye candy, the Wii is body candy. They go well together.
sagema said:
What does slating mean? Did he mean slamming? The person could at least use proper grammar.

slate (slāt)

1. A fine-grained metamorphic rock that splits into thin, smooth-surfaced layers.
1. A piece of this rock cut for use as roofing or surfacing material or as a writing surface.
2. A writing tablet made of a similar material.
3. A record of past performance or activity: start over with a clean slate.
4. A list of the candidates of a political party running for various offices.
5. A dark or bluish gray to dark bluish or dark purplish gray.


1. Made of a fine-grained metamorphic rock: a slate roof.
2. Of the color slate.

tr.v. slat·ed, slat·ing, slates

1. To cover (a roof, for example) with slate.
2. To put on a list of candidates.
3. To schedule or designate: Our professor has slated the art history lecture for Thursday afternoon; was slated to direct the studio's next film.

Translation: .. i guess... "stop covering up the ps3 with rocks" or he could mean "Stop putting your PS3 on the roof" or "stop splitting the ps3 into metamorphic rock that splits into thin, smooth-surfaced layers." But then maybe he means "If your going to choose a political candidate, dont pick the PS3 because it shouldnt be on the balot slate." finally "stop writing on the PS3, its not cool" and i agree with that. Dont write on your PS3.. unless it looks like ( . Y . )!
sagema said:
I'm glad he made that video. Yes, it's far harder to program on the PS3. It costs far more to fill over 25gb of content. Look at Xeno Saga 1-3. I'm posting this video every time someone tries to defend this Atari 5200 clone.

What does slating mean? Did he mean slamming? The person could at least use proper grammar.

Ive never heard of the Atari 5200. How bad was it?

I dont think I can believe the information on that video. Where did those facts come from?
kidtmnt said:
Ive never heard of the Atari 5200. How bad was it?

I dont think I can believe the information on that video. Where did those facts come from?

Dont bother, the facts in the video are not facts at all. Theres a lot of "spin" in that video and very little real substance.
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Im British, Slating over here sort of means to bully, or to have a go at something or under-estimate it. And i dont know about Americans, but at christmas our parents buy us presents, im 16 and this still happens for me? anyway a Ps2 at christmas was normal for us, and the Ps3 will be also, like 6 of my pals are all getting Ps3's for there christmas off thier parents, maby use americans are just to tight to afford these for presents? and no im not rich, and not spoilt, im well-off thats it. £400 isn't all that much when it comes to Christmas in the Uk. Im from Scotland btw=)