Surveyed: Console Distributions by gender and age


Dec 15, 2006
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Wii Online Code
Like every five year old girl and their dog has a Wii. :/
Hm, I would have expected the wii to be more common among girls then the 360.Very rarely are there girls on xbox live.

Well I guess this survey really has nothing to do with which gender/age owned a system, just which one was played more.
Hm, I would have expected the wii to be more common among girls then the 360.Very rarely are there girls on xbox live.
The percentages are how many people of a particular age group played that console, it doesn't state how many people actually use each one. It's likely that the Wii is more popular with girls, but since it's so popular with kids, they take up a bigger percentage than with the 360.
I love seeing girl gamers, they are rare but they're out there.

I guess the ones who aren't on WiiChat are just too shy to join a forum :lol:
Girl gamers aren't rare, you guys just aren't looking in the right places.

Out of millions of users, how would you know?

Um, because I play on Xbox live? :lol:

Guy gamers are like 50 times more common in the games that I play.

Girl gamers probably don't talk as much though, as people like to harass them in a lot of the games...
.. with every single member of the XBL Community?

Oh ok, so you're making up guesses.

You can say that about every bit of statistics everywhere...

I see less girl gamers. I have played lots of games. Therefor, I deduct that girl gamers are less common. Simple as that.
.. do you believe that to be the case for majority of where video games are sold?

Not sure if I understand the question but... whenever I go into EB games I do see less girls, I've actually only seen 1 or 2 that wasn't a mom in all my times going there.

I think you're taking some of my posts too literally; I'm not saying as a fact that girl gamers are 1 in a million or anything. Just from my experience I have seen much less girl gamers then guy gamers. Whether that is because the girls talk less or are just playing different games, I don't know.
I want to get Live just to see if I'm harassed more for my gender or my sickeningly English accent.

But anyway, girl gamers are far less common. If I'm amongst a class then girls will only join in with a mention of "my brother has..." or if it's Pokemon related. Saying that though, I don't know many gamers here in general. All the girls that I know who do play games are pretty sucky too, and the ones I find online. Men are much more common.
Not sure if I understand the question but... whenever I go into EB games I do see less girls, I've actually only seen 1 or 2 that wasn't a mom in all my times going there.

I think you're taking some of my posts too literally; I'm not saying as a fact that girl gamers are 1 in a million or anything. Just from my experience I have seen much less girl gamers then guy gamers. Whether that is because the girls talk less or are just playing different games, I don't know.

Alright, the question was me wondering if you thought girl gamers were rare everywhere, but that's good enough. I'm not saying I don't think girl gamers are less common, cause I've also seen more male gamers than females. But I really don't believe female gamers are 'very rare' overall, more so less common in some areas and more common in other areas (in my point of view).

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