suspicious pm

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Aug 5, 2009
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I have been a long time member of the board and I have no rights to reply to threads. I have not broken any forum rules. This is the first time I tried to login in 7 months as I have been busy.

Could you please helpe me out on this as I still enjoy my Wii and like this forum.

Mike Schaper
AKA Dean290000

Anybody else get this pm from a guy they never heard of?
Seems like something you should probably take up with a Mod, and not the general population of WiiChat, but that's just me.
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Seems like something you should probably take up with a Mod, and not the general population of WiiChat, but that's just me.

Ok, I just thought I would ask people as it could have been a scam of some type and thought I would warn people. Sounds really shady.
Instead of posting the issue here, just contact one of the moderating staff members and we will act accordingly. Thanks.
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