Wiichat Timeline

The Great WiiChat Wars

I forgot the date - Paintballer vs Vagrant (or maybe it was Vargrant) Vs Cyprus Vs Sovieto, 2 left permanatly ( Vagrant and Cyprus) one barley posts (Paintballer) and one posts much less than they use to. (Sovieto)
wdoublei said:
The Great WiiChat Wars

I forgot the date - Paintballer vs Vagrant (or maybe it was Vargrant) Vs Cyprus Vs Sovieto, 2 left permanatly ( Vagrant and Cyprus) one barley posts (Paintballer) and one posts much less than they use to. (Sovieto)
dont forget shiftfallout
those days were awesome.
wed just wreck up threads with debates like it was our job. shiftfallout and i did that mostly in the wii sections and people would get pissed at us. vagrant and paintballer stayed in the other console forums and destroyed those threads.

good times.

i dont even know what side vagrant was on.. i never found out.
wdoublei said:
The Great WiiChat Wars

I forgot the date - Paintballer vs Vagrant (or maybe it was Vargrant) Vs Cyprus Vs Sovieto, 2 left permanatly ( Vagrant and Cyprus) one barley posts (Paintballer) and one posts much less than they use to. (Sovieto)

I totally remembered that! Vargrantv2.0 ..lol.
wow, I remember back in the day, there were a few events pertaining to me, but I really don't remember timing of any of them. I remember that I joined, there was some member that joined in the big n00b influx (whose name escapes me) that I argued fairly fervently at first, then we got along well, I was here for our first troller, shortly thereafter, I was added as Mod, I quit for a while, and now I'm stepping back in

Agreed that Prinny needs a book, he's been here through a lot.
Around July last year, the news section starting and then me being fleeced by i0n and never paid. Never trusting anyone again after that...I believe thats partly why Jill left too.
ITS YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How the smeg are ya
Not rly
Just improvements that we want that will never happen