Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars players discussion thread

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  • #16
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  • #18
Hey I was thinking we should hold a WiiChat Tatsunoko vs. Capcom tourney. Anyone else?
im down for a lil tourney, for the most part my team was Ryu, and Megaman. Now ill use either Ryu and Zero, or Megaman and Zero!!

Ill have to wait to get home to get my friend code, but ill tell you im not to hot online, some of you might have played me JermyGTS is my online name on there.
That would be great, Lets see how people we can get on this and would we go about setting it up.
has anyone else been having problems with friend online battles? every time i try to get on it with a friend i get an error code?
I use Ryu and Polimar (im going to replace polimar with zero once he is unlocked)

IS it better to use gamecube or wiimote w/nunchuk???
Im currently using gamecube control
I use Ryu and Polimar (im going to replace polimar with zero once he is unlocked)

IS it better to use gamecube or wiimote w/nunchuk???
Im currently using gamecube control

pretty much up to you, my kids will play with wiimote and nunchuck, and ive also seen them use wiimote sideways, i use the classic controller cause thats what i grew up on (nes/SNES) old timer. i dont think any controller has any advantage over the other.
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  • #26
I've tried using them all and I find the classic controller works best.
Wiimote side ways ftw! Ryu morrigan polimar and zero are my mains
i finally got to play the game at a friends and damn. now i want it even more. Zero just seemed to come naturally to me and surprisingly so did Viewtiful Joe. so until i have the game and can play it even more, those are the two i plan on using.

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