The most Oblivion-like Wii experience?

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Nookslave said:
Is Guild Wars for the PC? And if so, is it free? Browser based? Pay to Play?

Its free to play, but you have to buy the software from the store. I think the original GW is down to 20 bucks, and i suggest you start with that as its the easiest one. Look for Guild Wars at your local walmart!!! It has a goth chick with white hair in buns
T3kNi9e said:
Wtf is PISHAW? Shut the hell up dickfish

GuildWars is free yes. You have to actually buy the game from a store though, but no monthly fee.

dont be jealous of my fish just hes bigger than your fish...
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Fighting over the internet is like being in the special olympics;
Even if you win, you're still retarded.

Especially if your fighting over how big your penis is.
T3kNi9e said:
Lol RTARD? now you sound like the episode of south park about WoW nerds.

Make love not warcraft.

Lets get back on topic.
Cpt.McCloud said:
Make love not warcraft.

Lets get back on topic.

But talking about games isnt as fun as talking about the comparison between penises and fish sticks!

BTW, if you thingy is as long as a fish stick, EU PHAIL!!!

and LOL, i dont play WoW, anymore that is...i started saying it at school then everyone else started saying it so now its just stuck there until it fades
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