The most Oblivion-like Wii experience?

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FRuMMaGe said:
Yay for Futurama!

I use the "Lies and Slander" line alot actually. I love it :lol:

*smegging loves this guy*

Crystal chronicles...*sigh*'ll never do:nonod:
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Have Zelda. Beaten it many times. It's great! But not Oblivion...
The only thing rare about oblivion is how open ended it is. I mean you can literally go just about anywhere. That and the first person style which I actually didnt really like all that much. IMO first person was the biggest upset for me because the combat was BORING. Everything else was fun as hell. I like Fable, its like Zelda, but Zelda as an actual RPG where you can be good and evil, nice spells, nice looking characters, side quests, etc. Except its very short compared to Oblivion. I cant wait for Fable 2...
T3kNi9e said:
The only thing rare about oblivion is how open ended it is. I mean you can literally go just about anywhere. That and the first person style which I actually didnt really like all that much. IMO first person was the biggest upset for me because the combat was BORING. Everything else was fun as hell. I like Fable, its like Zelda, but Zelda as an actual RPG where you can be good and evil, nice spells, nice looking characters, side quests, etc. Except its very short compared to Oblivion. I cant wait for Fable 2...

Not gc, ds or wii is it?

If we talk about pc there's a few.
Didn't you have the option to play in third person as well? I know when my brother used to play it, I would occasionally see him in third person.
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nic7 said:
Didn't you have the option to play in third person as well? I know when my brother used to play it, I would occasionally see him in third person.

Yes, you can, but picking things up in 3rd person is a bit tricky.
nic7 said:
Didn't you have the option to play in third person as well? I know when my brother used to play it, I would occasionally see him in third person.
Yes, but it is harder to do anything besides running :lol:
With Atlus already onboard and Square also reportedly starting to favor the Wii there could be some good RPGs on their way to the Wii. I'm already interested to see what Baroque is like and it's out soon too.

I doubt we'll see an Oblivion style RPG anytime soon but if there is a big enough market for one maybe somebody will bring one out.
nic7 said:
Didn't you have the option to play in third person as well? I know when my brother used to play it, I would occasionally see him in third person.

3rd person was AWFUL, it was made for 1st person and 3rd person was basically just there so you can look at your character, its almost unplayable and awkward.

McCloud: I didnt mean GC/Wii/DS or even consoles. I meant RPG games overall.
Hellgate, morrowind, guild wars, rune scape.

All Obliv. esque PC games.
Cpt.McCloud said:
Hellgate, morrowind, guild wars, rune scape.

All Obliv. esque PC games.
Morrowind was Elder Scrolls III. That's why it was Obliv. esque :lol:
But I never asked what games their were... I already know about those games. You claimed Oblivion type games were very rare. I said the only thing rare about it was how open it was. Because nothing about Oblivion is rare except how many places you can go and the unique 1st person style for an RPG like that.
T3kNi9e said:
But I never asked what games their were... I already know about those games. You claimed Oblivion type games were very rare. I said the only thing rare about it was how open it was. Because nothing about Oblivion is rare except how many places you can go and the unique 1st person style for an RPG like that.

I mean when you listed RPGs.
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