The Playstation 3 - First Impressions.


Dec 25, 2006
Wii Online Code
Hello all, My first Playstation product.. Quite the turn from my Nintendo-based gaming history.

Well. I bought my Ps3 tuesday so ive had a good set of hours to look about it and such. So ima post what i think about it, in my all-new Ps3-owning so my opinion on it actually matters, Ptonjalken self.

Ill compare it mainly to xbox360 since that was my 2nd choice for a new system.


I started off with Resistance and Motorstorm. Overall i think the graphics are amazing for basically launch titles. It displays very well what the Ps3 will be able to display given several years to develop, such as the Xbox360 did. I have a 12 year old 19" TV thats worked for me ever since i was young - it still displays SDTV perfectly and the graphics are still mindblowing on that. Gimme a month when i buy a nice HDTV/HDMI Compatible Television and ill have a seizure.

Resistance: Fall of Man - This game is pretty awesome. Im a FPS fan and i like the 1 player story line. Im playing on Medium and its just hard enough to be difficult but not 'die every checkpoint 5 times dificult.' I suck horribly online but this is my first Online Console FPS.. so in time ill enjoy that more. It runs perfectly smooth online which is nice to see for someone comming from a Super-PC demanding PC game background. 9/10

MotorStorm - I love the graphics and sound track on this game. Makes you feel amp'd while playing it. I am however dissapointed that you cant have offline matches with friends. The vehicle selection is nice and i love ze Big Rigs ^^ Online is cool tho i stink at that right now too from just using the Motorcycle and blowing up all the time hehe. Ill have to wait for DiRt for offline play i geuss? 8/10

Blu-ray - I can now see how this will help Ps3 games. Being able to hold much more and with faster disc reading will result in smoother and large enviroment games.


System's Power - Wow. The Ps3 is alot faster and.. bigger.. then i thought. I looked up more indepth online on this thing and its amazing. Its basically better then several computers. It has a graphics card slightly better then the Xbox360 (much newer and better DDR version also tho.) and it can process ALOT more things at once then the Xbox360 (And im not saying this negatively, its just true spec-wise.) I can see the graphical power this will have on games that have alot going all at once. (Large scale battles like Dynasty Warriors: Gundam, Air-games, etc.). 10/10 !

Controllers - The Sixaxis are pretty cool considering how much i thought they sucked before i bought a Ps3. This is the first time ive owned a PS remote so im still getting use to buttons. The charge of a remote takes no more then a hour and its lasted me about 7 so far without loosing a bar. The Rumble not being there hasnt even bothered me yet since i geuss i didnt notice it when i use to have it in GC/Wii. This saves on its battery power. The Controllers have a nice price too. I bought a extra one because of that. 10/10 !

WATTZ/Temperature - The Ps3 gets pretty hot.. but its understandable with the power going through it. The PSU is big and larger then it needs to be which is good so your getting as much as youd need without flaw. People say the Ps3 doesnt get damaged by heat just like a Ps3. So im fine. Maybe a external cooling device down the road, since it feels like a volcano around it :p 8/10

Presentation - Wow. The Ps3 looks great. I never realised that until i saw one close up. Its a amazing looking piece of hardware. It feels a little flimsy when you pick it up tho. (Alot of small squeeks or whatever.) But im sure thats normal, its just its outer case anyways. 10/10 !


Wireless - Im happy this worked out for me. I have a 1000kbps connection (high quality one tho) which isnt that great compared to what people can get in more populated areas (5000 - 10000). But i live outside a town so o well im glad i dont got Dial up anymore. Anyways lol, The Ps3 recieves its connection very well. I have recieved anywhere from 45-100% signal from up in my room. There is a microwave and wireless phone in that direction and it still works fine. 9/10

Setting up - Its very simple and straight forward to set up a wireless connection. Other then my noobness with a Ps3 remote it didnt take me long to be connected. 9/10

Online Play - Needs a bit work. But it is good for how early it is. I enjoy playing in a high-graphic and lagless enviroment very much. I am picking up a USB Headset tommorow which will add to my fun. (since hearing mic's through your speakers is horrid and loud.). I can see myself having lots of fun there in the future. 7/10

Home - Not out yet, but this will definitly be an amazing thing which will help bring the PSN together. 10/10 !


Features - The Ps3 has alot of cool features. The PSSHOP is cool and downloading demos is very helpful. I played the DW: Gundam Demo which was cool since im a fan of booth series. Currently downloading NG: Sigma! :D
There are a ton of options i havnt tried so i cant rate this too well.. But its cool so far so meh.. 10/10

PS3 OS - Very nice display and setup. Easy to navigate and just cool tbh. 10/10


"Uh oh" lol. Honestly, the Price as it is now (549CAD) is a good deal for this system. I couldnt get the same deal with the Xbox360 as is, since id need the 120$ wireless adapter. I was planning on getting it while it was 649 so the drop didnt change my mind just make me happy. If people complain in North America about the price now, they dont know what they are talking about. 8/10


So yeah, so far im impressed. For the people that know me from the Ps3 section (or Wiichat altogether) are probably pretty amazed since i use to be pretty Anti-Sony.. but im liking it so far. This thing is like 10 things in one. Its now my DVD/BR Player, Computer, Game System, and much more :D

Final rating: 9.5/10 ^^

Oh yeah, and people feel free to add me on friends lists. My PSNID is Ptonjalken (Go figure.) I dont got no friends yetz. :D
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I'm also looking to buy one soon, with student loans haha. I want to get one before they take out the emotion engine. But I forgot what it even does! What does it do?
I love my PS3 too. I was pretty dead set against it as well, and bought a Wii as my initial choice for this current gen of systems. I'm glad I decided to buy it to.

Ptjon I added you as a friend (I think). My PSN network ID is excLOUsiv

Anyone who has a PS3 is free to add me as well.
sherwood3570 said:
I'm also looking to buy one soon, with student loans haha. I want to get one before they take out the emotion engine. But I forgot what it even does! What does it do?
It makes it so you can play PS1/PS2 games. You can still play them once they take it out, but a lot of them won't work or will have problems as it will be using software emulation. If anyone wants to add me, feel free to do so, my PSN is sheise.
my first impression is it sucks

Why--because I dont like any of the games for it Id rather play gears of war and halo 3 then fall of man resistance see im not comparing it to little big planet because thatd be unfair so ya you use blu-ray which I dont need now your getting your ass kicked by the wii
Jangles said:
my first impression is it sucks

Why--because I dont like any of the games for it Id rather play gears of war and halo 3 then fall of man resistance see im not comparing it to little big planet because thatd be unfair so ya you use blu-ray which I dont need now your getting your ass kicked by the wii
The games part is preference, but how would you know that you would rather play Halo 3? It hasn't been released, so for all we know it could be ****. You know a lot of developers have said that Blu-ray will be needed. The PS3 can have much bigger levels than the 360 since it uses Blu-ray. And everyone is getting their asses kicked by the Wii....
You'll have to do a follow up report in a month, see if the fun factor remains, gets better or starts to get old.

Overall very nice.
Jangles said:
my first impression is it sucks

Why--because I dont like any of the games for it Id rather play gears of war and halo 3 then fall of man resistance see im not comparing it to little big planet because thatd be unfair so ya you use blu-ray which I dont need now your getting your ass kicked by the wii

Halo 3 didn't come out yet, so there is no point on that one. I own an original Xbox and was a fanboy in its heydays. I loved Halo. Got Halo 2 when it 1st came out and barely played it. It wasn't that good of a game. Halo is something that I feel is over rated these days. I played Gears of War and it was cool. I enjoyed Resistance a lot more.

You may not need to watch Blu-Ray movies, but when the limit for how much developers can fit on a single DVD is hit, and or developers have to continually compromise their vision and what they can do so the game can fit on a DVD, you'll be begging for something with more capacity....and what could that possibly be? Blu-Ray? You think? Nah? Couldn't be right? :crazy: hahaha
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i can say that right now the ps3 does not appeal to me. i watched the sony press conference and i can say that i WILL buy a ps3 in 2008 tho. i am just in love with little big planet. plus there mgs 4 and killzone 2, they both look amazing. ps3 was slow into the first year but it has really good games in 2008. right now im sticking to wii and 360 because they have games that appeal to me but once 2008 rolls around i will be giving in and paying that 500-600 price for it, or if they do another price cut, because it will have games i like.
paintba||er said:

It makes it so you can play PS1/PS2 games. You can still play them once they take it out, but a lot of them won't work or will have problems as it will be using software emulation. If anyone wants to add me, feel free to do so, my PSN is sheise.

dosnt sheish mean "****" in some language
just like to say the 360 actually has a better graphics card while the ps3 has a much better processor (cell), besides that 360 has a little edge over some things, while the ps3 excels in rendering, streaming, and particles and the such.

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