The Playstation 3 - First Impressions.

Jangles said:
my first impression is it sucks

Why--because I dont like any of the games for it Id rather play gears of war and halo 3 then fall of man resistance see im not comparing it to little big planet because thatd be unfair so ya you use blu-ray which I dont need now your getting your ass kicked by the wii

Haze, unreal tournament 3, killzone 2... i mean, lets be honest here. The ps3 now has a much better exclusive lineup for fps games now. The GoW guys are now working for sony. Epic, the masterminds behind the unreal engine (thats what GoW runs on) have sided with Sony as per announcement at E3. The developer for GoW said his PS3 project will look even better than the GoW, and will include a bigger game, even downloadable levels made by both players and developers. The ps3 can download files made on the PC, so that means those fps mods and levels can now be used on the PS3 as well. Thats a big plus. Resistance is a great game as well. But hey, I wonder why the GoW crew signed up with sony if blue ray wasnt needed... oh because it is. They expect their games to go upwards of 25 gigabytes, which I believe current ps3 titles are already at.
They said Lair was 25GB. Imagine if they had to compress that to 9 or 14, a lot would be taken out and the original story writers vision would be lost.

I guess its like telling a story writer they can only use 50 pages. Seems like a lot to a reader, but readers dont write books.
Blasted Sony.
They trick us with their "we mayk u tink we gan luz" attitude and turn around and make me wanna save up some more money.
Blast you, Sony.

All three consoles have such a bright future, it's hard to tell if anyone's going to come out on top.
Maybe this is an era where they will co-mingle?!

And, off-topic question: What's the difference between the 80/60GB and the 20GB ones?

If they're the same aside the hard drive, I'll opt for the 20GB.
I don't think I'll ever use up 20GB, let alone 60.
I think I've used up 20GB already, I downloaded pretty much every trailer and demo..., I'll probably need to delete them soon
Trulen said:
Blasted Sony.
They trick us with their "we mayk u tink we gan luz" attitude and turn around and make me wanna save up some more money.
Blast you, Sony.

All three consoles have such a bright future, it's hard to tell if anyone's going to come out on top.
Maybe this is an era where they will co-mingle?!

And, off-topic question: What's the difference between the 80/60GB and the 20GB ones?

If they're the same aside the hard drive, I'll opt for the 20GB.
I don't think I'll ever use up 20GB, let alone 60.

20gb has no wifi or card readers. For online gaming you should use a wired connection anways. Plus cat5 cable is so cheap. I have a 20gb, but I might sell it for a 60gb from sams club. I want that damn warranty!
I've just fallen in love with "LittleBigPlanet", just watched a few interviews of it and it actually looks fantastic... Can't wait!
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Sovieto said:
just like to say the 360 actually has a better graphics card while the ps3 has a much better processor (cell), besides that 360 has a little edge over some things, while the ps3 excels in rendering, streaming, and particles and the such.

Actually, the Graphics cards are very similar. The 360 has a 90nm/2 chip with about 500mhz each. Which has SLI technology which makes it clock faster then two 500mhz would usually do (so 1100mhz+). Not sure on graphics Ram.

Ps3 has one based on a CPU's Nvidia G70. It doesnt have SLI so its one graphics unit. It clocks around 1300mhz. (1.3ghz). Has 256 GDDR3 VRAM which is top of the line in speed for gram.

Basically, if you got max potential out of both cards (never will happen.) then the image would look almost exactly the same and youd have to know your stuff to tell the difference. But then you'd have to consider if the Xbox360 could display the same ammount, proportions, and etc with good FPS - compared to the Ps3. Thats where the processor advantage comes along..

Either card has really no extreme possibilities.. but from what i took out of it it still seems the Ps3 has more capabilities then the 360s. But the Ps3 can process like 16.6billion more bluhs a second then the 360 or whatever. Which is a ton more. (36.6billiob compared to 52billion or somtin.) That processing power gives the Ps3 a huge graphical power advantage. I havnt really looked into the specs, but its alot more to be simple. It basically means give the Ps3 a year or two and power-wise, itll surpass the 360 pretty easy.

(Yes i read alot up on the two systems before ibought the Ps3)

GamerCon said:
You'll have to do a follow up report in a month, see if the fun factor remains, gets better or starts to get old.

Overall very nice.

sure will ^^
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ok, im going tomarro to return my wii and buy a ps3 for 174$ (dont ask me how...its a very long story xD no its actully like a minute story but im to lazy to type =P )

and ill have a ps3 video review up latly

but since i have already played ps3 i will certenly say this

dont buy a will be fun for a month but then it gets boring fast
zeon i like the wii, right now not so many games but in the fall and winter of 2007 some really good games are coming out. ps3 however has the good games coming out in 2008. right now ill stick to wii and get my ps3 in early 2008.

yea but look at the games

super mario galaxie
metroid prime 3
mario kart

these game will be fun for a bit

and look at the games for ps3

resistence fall of man
ninga gidon sigma
ratchet and clank tools of destrution
killzone 2
little big planet
gran tourismo 5
tekken 6
kingdom hearts 3
turok 2 (its lookin good)
socom modorn warfare

heck Gears of war 2 will probably be on ps3 cause te developer has already stated that it needs more space and a cell processer like ps3's

im not a fanboy im just trying to help you save money.....
zeon9881 said:

yea but look at the games

super mario galaxie
metroid prime 3
mario kart

these game will be fun for a bit

and look at the games for ps3

resistence fall of man
ninga gidon sigma
ratchet and clank tools of destrution
killzone 2
little big planet
gran tourismo 5
tekken 6
kingdom hearts 3
turok 2 (its lookin good)
socom modorn warfare

heck Gears of war 2 will probably be on ps3 cause te developer has already stated that it needs more space and a cell processer like ps3's

im not a fanboy im just trying to help you save money.....
save money?... your trying to make people buy the most expensive console on the market. not everyone has that money, i dont, thats why im getting a wii cuz its inexpensive and i like the games on it present and future. i am getting a ps3 for christmas this year tho because most of those games you stated are coming in 2008 and i will get them. its not wise to get a ps3 now because there are not to many games on the platform until 2008. the wii and 360 are focusing on this year so i think its wise to get a 360 or wii this year and get that ps3 at christmas when the awsome games are coming.
gingerkid said:
save money?... your trying to make people buy the most expensive console on the market. not everyone has that money, i dont, thats why im getting a wii cuz its inexpensive and i like the games on it present and future. i am getting a ps3 for christmas this year tho because most of those games you stated are coming in 2008 and i will get them. its not wise to get a ps3 now because there are not to many games on the platform until 2008. the wii and 360 are focusing on this year so i think its wise to get a 360 or wii this year and get that ps3 at christmas when the awsome games are coming.

look the bottom line s wii gets boring fast sure its fun and their are good games coming for it~

*but try to remember that ps3 isnt the most expensive console on the market
that is 360 if you buy 360 you will need to buy LIVE,HD DVD, etc.. (not gonna go into detail)*

~ but their are good games coming for ps3 and it has game which wii has (as in genre) and it has way more of a capability

it plays blu-ray, DVD, stream videos, download demos, Home, etc..

your actully buying a "XXX all in one deal"


xD paint i was jokin XD i should have covered it with the //(joke)// signs

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