The plot so far


WiiChat Member
Sep 5, 2006
I have to admit, apart from some shadow that comes out the blue, I know absolutely nothing about the plot of this game. Does Ganondorf have anything to do with it? Someone fill me in please (sorry if a thread like this has already been posted).
Ganondorf is in it but other than that and the twilight realm not much is really known about the main plot its be really kept a secret
So far Nintendo are keeping most of it a secret. What we do know is that Hyrule is being taken over by a mysterious force called the "Twilight Realm", and Link is sent to investigate it. Apparently when Link enters this realm, he is transformed into a wolf, then captured and imprisoned, but he is aided by someone called Midna.

It has been confirmed Zelda and Ganondorf are returning, and new characters include Midna, Colin and Ilia. Whatever the story is, it's got to be pretty big 'cos the game is expected to be about 70 hours long. :)
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Holy sh*t, so far this is sounding pretty awesome. My favourite Zelda game has always been Majora's Mask, and anything that beats that is beyond wonderful in my opinion. And so far, TP is looking to be the best one yet. I'll have to pre-order mine for launch day :)
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I think I once read something about Ganondorf being "controlled" by this mysterious force (Twilight Realm). This could just be a rumour, anyone know anything about this?
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Should be like the one we saw at Nintendo's Space World (no longer any such thing) in 2000. He'll be just like in OoT but with obviously much better graphics.
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nintendowiigaming.piczo said:
what do u meen 70 hours? like if someone did a speedrun of the game without glitches it would take them a minimal of 70 hours?!!! holy C***

What can I say, it's going to be the biggest game ever made.
nintendowiigaming.piczo said:
what do u meen 70 hours? like if someone did a speedrun of the game without glitches it would take them a minimal of 70 hours?!!! holy C***
Thats just crazy, 70 hours!!!! that is just crazy. 70 hourse probably includes miniquests or sometin.. 70 HOURS!!! WTF! CRAZY! Wat the devil? 70 hours! Man, i thought Kingdom hearts was long or sometin and that did not take anywhere near even 35 hours! This is so sick. BTW, whoever said that its 70 hours, do u have a source on that?
JUST READ i0n's GREAT THREAD ON 51 QUESTIONS ABOUT LOZ! ITS GREAT! YOU ROCK i0n! BEST FORUM EVER! yeah it explains alot of stuff like the 70hours thing.
m7ticalm said:
Thats just crazy, 70 hours!!!! that is just crazy. 70 hourse probably includes miniquests or sometin.. 70 HOURS!!! WTF! CRAZY! Wat the devil? 70 hours! Man, i thought Kingdom hearts was long or sometin and that did not take anywhere near even 35 hours! This is so sick. BTW, whoever said that its 70 hours, do u have a source on that?

I Beat Kingdom Hearts In 36 Hours On Normal...:lol:

ANyway... 70 Hours? Cool! I Like The Sound Of That!:D

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