Zelda plot (revised)


WiiChat Member
Sep 28, 2006
Okay i will explain this one more time.(this is just a theory but) The hero of time Link from the legend of zelda ocarina of time and the legend of zelda the majoras mask will reappear in twilight princess as the main bad guy. Look at it this way. In ocarina of time the original link was a loner, he never fit in with anybody. Even on his travels to save hyrule his only real friend was his fairy partner Navi. He was an outcast. thats not all, during ocarina of time link goes 7 years into the future. He then sees that the world he once knew is now a desolate wasteland being consumed by evil, now think for a minute, how would u feel if you wake up one day to find the world is being destroyed, that would scar u for life. Anyways link saves hyrule and his fairy partner navi leaves him for reasons we dont know. Link is now metally shocked again, this adventure is doing some serious damage to his brain. Now Link then heads into the lost woods to find his one true friend. Link then ends up in termina where the skull kid changes him into in a deku scrub which would do some more serious brain damage to link. After link changes back into a human he has to save evrybody in termina and solve all their troubles. One problem link has only 3 days to do this. Of course he goes back in time to try again but everybodys problems he helped to solve will happen all over again.Link would then start to think it would be pointless to help since all these people will never be saved from their own problems. More brain damage. at the end of mm link aquires the fierce deitys mask, an object of immense power, the game even says that the mask is almost as evil as the majoras mask.Link easily defeats the majoras mask with the firece deitys mask without breaking a sweat. This mask is obivously very powerful. Now that link has this mask wouldn't he start thinking that it is pointless to save the world cause evil keeps on reappaering. Now this is the good part. The hero of time aka link turns evil. and finds a way back to hryule. He then uses the masks power to conquer hyrule with the twilight realm. (Now heres where the twilight princess plot kicks in.) A new hero named link is born with a triforce mark on his left hand( this proves the rumor of 4 triforce shards is true). He rises up and becomes a hero and does battle with the hro of time. Both heros die and thats when GAnondorf comes back. The people of hyrule pray to the gods for assistance, then the gods decide to flood hryule and and make the Great Sea. THe reat of the story line continues into The legend of Zelda the windwaker. Well thats my theory. Hope i didnt spoil the game for u.
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mercenary634 said:
Okay i will explain this one more time.(this is just a theory but) The hero of time Link from the legend of zelda ocarina of time and the legend of zelda the majoras mask will reappear in twilight princess as the main bad guy. Look at it this way. In ocarina of time the original link was a loner, he never fit in with anybody. Even on his travels to save hyrule his only real friend was his fairy partner Navi. He was an outcast. thats not all, during ocarina of time link goes 7 years into the future. He then sees that the world he once knew is now a desolate wasteland being consumed by evil, now think for a minute, how would u feel if you wake up one day to find the world is being destroyed, that would scar u for life. Anyways link saves hyrule and his fairy partner navi leaves him for reasons we dont know. Link is now metally shocked again, this adventure is doing some serious damage to his brain. Now Link then heads into the lost woods to find his one true friend. Link then ends up in termina where the skull kid changes him into in a deku scrub which would do some more serious brain damage to link. After link changes back into a human he has to save evrybody in termina and solve all their troubles. One problem link has only 3 days to do this. Of course he goes back in time to try again but everybodys problems he helped to solve will happen all over again.Link would then start to think it would be pointless to help since all these people will never be saved from their own problems. More brain damage. at the end of mm link aquires the fierce deitys mask, an object of immense power, the game even says that the mask is almost as evil as the majoras mask.Link easily defeats the majoras mask with the firece deitys mask without breaking a sweat. This mask is obivously very powerful. Now that link has this mask wouldn't he start thinking that it is pointless to save the world cause evil keeps on reappaering. Now this is the good part. The hero of time aka link turns evil. and finds a way back to hryule. He then uses the masks power to conquer hyrule with the twilight realm. (Now heres where the twilight princess plot kicks in.) A new hero named link is born with a triforce mark on his left hand( this proves the rumor of 4 triforce shards is true). He rises up and becomes a hero and does battle with the hro of time. Both heros die and thats when GAnondorf comes back. The people of hyrule pray to the gods for assistance, then the gods decide to flood hryule and and make the Great Sea. THe reat of the story line continues into The legend of Zelda the windwaker. Well thats my theory. Hope i didnt spoil the game for u
i doubt someone who has done good for so long will just turn bad just like that :X
spoil the game....how
this is just a theory, you can't really spoil a game with a theory...

fourth peice of the triforce eh?
notice the word "TRI" in triforce?
it means three
if there was a fourth peice it would completly screw over the Zelda series

one link doing battle with another link....wow maybe dark link but not another link, that would just be weird
That settles it, you are the most intelligent person in existance.

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