this going to be the last ssb sob sob

in touch with the wii

prez , you suck :p
Aug 2, 2006
the moon
Wii Online Code
:( ive been looking at smash dojo i looking at the blog and i saw that this was gonna be the last ssb
the devlopers of metal gear solid begged me to have snake in the last super smash bros
this makes me sad some plz cheer me up plz
In what context was that sentence in?

I presume he/she may be referring to the Gamecube title prior to SSBB.
Well... I believe... that the sentence means: "last smash bros at the moment"
I'm not really sure about it but i think if it really is the last smash... this would be Nintendo's biggest mistake if they stop launching the Smash bros series, :sick: :sick:
michmaster said:
Well... I believe... that the sentence means: "last smash bros at the moment"
I'm not really sure about it but i think if it really is the last smash... this would be Nintendo's biggest mistake if they stop launching the Smash bros series, :sick: :sick:

Yeah I agree, SSMB was one of their highest grossing GCN game, so I doubt they'll get rid of it anytime soon. And I think the statment all depends on the context, like iOn has said.
So... They'll Keep Coming Out WIth SSB Til They Have 1,580 Characters! :p
did you guys pay attention to what i0n said or at least read the blog. He meant that the developers of metal gear solid begged nintendo to put snake in melee but it was too late because they were pretty much almost done with the game so they promised them that he'll be in the next one which is brawl. They'll never end the series, its like square enix ending the final fantasy series ,they'll never do that because they make a lot of money on the franchise.
Ye, I think it was supposed to mean last as in previous. E.g. Last saturday, I went to a party.

I'm quite surprised this thread hasn't been deleted since it's inaccurate and misleading.
yes cutting profits by stopping the production of the games would b dumb...its like after Halo3, theyll stop making new Halo games, even tho the market just racked up millions of dollars from the previous Halo; why would they do that? they r losing hteirselves money for nothing
umm...i0n and everyone else who said it is right...they are talking about how they wanted to put snake in the LAST (SSBM) game but it was to late....i dont think the SSB series is going to end any time soon

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