This is Bull...


On the Highway to Hell!
Well, after hearing the amazing news on the Wii, I am psyked for the Wii!

Bad news for me though...

I called Gamestop (The video game store), I am friends with a lot of the employees there (Probably because I go there weekly for Wii updates) and they said they aren't going to be taking reserves for the Wii! I already have Twilight Princess and Red Steel fully payed for an reserved! Why wont they takes reserves for the Wii!

Even worse news, I have school on the 19th...So they'll be sold out by the time I get there!

What do I do?!?!
HAHAHA i hate EB. i know that the gamecrazy near my house is gonna be taking preorders. they said even if the corprate office says no they will make their own! w00t!!
Akaymay said:
Well, after hearing the amazing news on the Wii, I am psyked for the Wii!

Bad news for me though...

I called Gamestop (The video game store), I am friends with a lot of the employees there (Probably because I go there weekly for Wii updates) and they said they aren't going to be taking reserves for the Wii! I already have Twilight Princess and Red Steel fully payed for an reserved! Why wont they takes reserves for the Wii!

Even worse news, I have school on the 19th...So they'll be sold out by the time I get there!

What do I do?!?!

yah gamestop taking preorders next week, i just went there a half an hour ago

anyway, if u mean november 19th its a sunday. do u hav school on sunday?
What?! I'm seriously upset if your Gamestops are doing pre-orders already! I went to mine earlier this afternoon, and they said they won't start pre-orders for Wii until November 14th....

This sucks.
the reason you cant reserve is the fact that the game strores dont know how many wiis they will get.
Gamestops expect to get unit allocations after the annual manager conference, which is at the end of this month. I'd look for reserves to begin in the first couple of weeks in oct.
ok im officialy pissed. game crazy main office said no to preorders so the manager at my gamecrazy said he would make up his own preorder system secretly. well the owner found out and stopped them :( . this sucks. now i gotta find somewhere else to preorder :(

EDIT: im not sure if i should go up at midnight and wait all night or if i should preorder. there was a final number of 92 people on the preorder-preorder list at gamecrazy which is INSANE because i live in a small town and about 80% of the people here think video games are kiddish or only like PS2. the PS3 only has 20 preorders so far! the manager of game crazy was shocked at how much the nintendo wii is wanted lol
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rodent said:
yah gamestop taking preorders next week, i just went there a half an hour ago

anyway, if u mean november 19th its a sunday. do u hav school on sunday?

exactly what i was going to ask?
yeah the gamecrazy where i live is a small town as well ( hemet CA) and they were taking pre orders but are not anymore.... it suxx.... UGH..... but i get off at 2AM from work so hopefully they wont sell out in 2 hours lol..... hmm ill have my friend buy it for me cuz she works there :p fun fun

Akaymay said:
Well, after hearing the amazing news on the Wii, I am psyked for the Wii!

Bad news for me though...

I called Gamestop (The video game store), I am friends with a lot of the employees there (Probably because I go there weekly for Wii updates) and they said they aren't going to be taking reserves for the Wii! I already have Twilight Princess and Red Steel fully payed for an reserved! Why wont they takes reserves for the Wii!

Even worse news, I have school on the 19th...So they'll be sold out by the time I get there!

What do I do?!?!
Call in sick.... :smilewinkgrin:

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