Use that in a sentence. (game)


The XBOX 360 Guy
Jul 18, 2007
Wii Online Code
Right this is a simple game
where i give you some words and you make a sentence including them, then you give the next poster some words.

ok so example.

i say

use, (frog, bounce, donkey, wiimote) in a sentence

you say

one day a frog, bounced along and then he ate a donkey, after he ate he decided to stab his mouse woth his wiimote.

right now here are some words for the next poster to use.

(cow, shoe, fire, pig, television, tie) you have to use all the words.
and you can give the next poster as many words as you want
i put shoes on my pig that was on fire and tied and television to my cow

Use these (gallop,snort,mad,pillow) in a sentence
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i got bored so i galloped along, on the way i saw a cow snort some coke, i went mad and smothered it with a pillow.

use these

(joke, drown, murder, monkey, posh)
amazing game.

they wanted to joke around with a monkey so they decided to drown and murder, then posh it

(lol posh wtf)

use these words
fly, turnip, pie, clown, dinousaur, snapple, ipod.
I saw a dinosaur with an ipod listening the the song turnip by the band called the clown brothers so I threw a pie at his face and a snapple fly came and ate it.

Wth does snapple mean?

These words
Fire Flower said:
I saw a dinosaur with an ipod listening the the song turnip by the band called the clown brothers so I threw a pie at his face and a snapple fly came and ate it.

Wth does snapple mean?

These words

a pelican ran into a porche while the driver was eating cheese, and a reese cup, he was on his way to the u.k. to sell five wii remotes for higer prices
Fire Flower said:
I saw a dinosaur with an ipod listening the the song turnip by the band called the clown brothers so I threw a pie at his face and a snapple fly came and ate it.

Wth does snapple mean?

These words

snapple is a kind of drink. like ice tea.
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ill do some new ones for you.

try, pizza, carpet, blood, toilet, tree
No matter how hard I TRY too clean the TOILET with my TREE it dosn't work so I'll just go eat some BLOOD flavoured PIZZA on the CARPET.

Flower, Bison, Peel, Messenger, heart
Fire Flower said:
No matter how hard I TRY too clean the TOILET with my TREE it dosn't work so I'll just go eat some BLOOD flavoured PIZZA on the CARPET.

Flower, Bison, Peel, Messenger, heart
rofl :lol:

the mutant flower did not like the look of the bison so it throw
and orange peel at it, a messenger also walked by and was disqusted by the bison and stabbed it in the heart.
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your supposed to give new words by the way. lol

hers some more for next person

hairy, hungry, happy, hole, hillbilly, house (lots of h words lol)
The hairy hippo happened to be horrendously hungry; however, he soon became a happy hippo when he discovered a heavenly hole with a hillbilly in his house.

And there are some more H words for you.

Uhh, use (itchy, kangaroo, hiccups, moles, China).
A Kangaroo from China solved his Hiccups by killing some itchy moles


Kitchen, Bomb, Rag, Hero, Villain, Japan, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Dog, Basket, Keyboard, Bowl, Paper, Pen, Mario, Sonic, Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft.


daviduk200 said:
you can give the next poster as many words as you want
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wow umm i dont know what to do but ill give it my best shot

i woke up one day, and went into the kitchen to make myself some cereal, but there was none left, so i asked my Dog what he would like for breakfast, he barked so i thought it was food he wanted, I wasnt looking and accidentally gave him red hot chilli peppers he wasnt very happy and became a villain, so he went and wii'd on my nintendo wii (lol see what i did there), so i said to him if your going to pee on anything why didnt you pee on my sony playstation 3 as thats shite.

anyway, i was mad at my dog so i secretly snuck a bomb in his luch and well he blew up in his basket, unfortunatly i got his blood all over the place, it landed on my pc keyboard, my microsoft 360. after cleaning up with a rag i found in his basket,
i decided after being nasty i wanted to be a hero, but i couldnt so instead i got a pen and paper, and wrote a letter to japan, Specifically for nintendo though, telling them how stupid an idea i thought that, mario and sonic at the olympic games sounded, so i mailed them that with my dog's bowl filled with its guts.

:) u like ?

here is for next poster.

xbox 360, cow, wiichat, internet, hair, comedy

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