what did you call link???

Canuck said:
What the hell is your problem, no need to be friggin sarcastic. His mouth moves but you don't hear it. None of the characters can be heard. But they still talk.
whoa, man. i apologize. didn't mean to make it so personal.
intr.up.td said:
sometimes i refer to him as "the quiet one."
but it really just depends on what mood i'm in. and i would really prefer him never to say anything. if he did, i'd prolly poop my pants.

Link actualy did talk in that old cartoon that was made but it was so crappy that is was very short lived. Don't get me wrong I thoroughly enjoy all that is zelda but it was just sad. Link was ment to be seen and not heard, aside from a grunt or scream every now and again.
JAKE196 said:

Did anyone just call him Link or make up a name?

One time through on my Oracle of Ages I named Link "I'M GAY" so that whenever you met somebody they'd say "Hi, pleased to meet you, I'M GAY" or something like that :lol: in TP I called him Josh the first time (shortened version of my first name), and Jerik the second time (another shortened version of my first name). (My first name is Joshua-Erik).
Jaylar said:
Link actualy did talk in that old cartoon that was made but it was so crappy that is was very short lived. Don't get me wrong I thoroughly enjoy all that is zelda but it was just sad. Link was ment to be seen and not heard, aside from a grunt or scream every now and again.

I saw that video and my eyes began to burn. My family says "Oh its just your crappy contacts bugging you" but I knew otherwise :wink:
I always call him Link on my first playthrough. Usually something different the second time through. On OOT's second playthrough, I named him Rayquaza, and on TP's second playthrough I named him Gallade. :D
I called him Anders (my name) and the horse Swift. My cousin left the names as Link and Epona for some reason :p.
i called him Poopy in link to the past. But im older and more mature now, i oppted for skid mark. lmao im just kidding. I named him Guy.