What If Halo 3 Fails????


WiiChat Member
Feb 11, 2007
what would happen to xbox if halo 3 came out to be the worst game ever ???
many xbox users bought the 360 to get halo 3 and if that game is **** there will be hell to pay!!:mad5: :devil:
duberryboy1 said:
what would happen to xbox if halo 3 came out to be the worst game ever ???
many xbox users bought the 360 to get halo 3 and if that game is **** there will be hell to pay!!:mad5: :devil:

.....it wont fail. have u seen the making of trailers of the brutes on bungie. fracking amazing. i know u cant base it off of that but it wont fail.
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WeToYou said:
They have a formula. It would be nearly impossible to **** it up.
maybe a dumb example, but look what has happen to sonic they f*ck*d up that formula.
well if it does.... the 360 will drop lower than it allready is, microsoft NEEDS THIS in order to even have a chance in competing with nintendo, so i bet it wont, but if it does.... good news for nintendo fans! so far, GoW is keeping the 360 at a good resting point, but the wii is catching up, so if this does fail, M$ is s*** out of luck!
ok, with halo they just have to keep a similar gameplay and just add new weapons and crap and it can't fail...and thats what there doing.
P.S: In most peoples eyes all 3d sonic games suck, but i love them none the less.
Not much...it would sell, still, simply because its Halo, as for it being a a good game I think it will because they seem to be taking lesson from Halo 1 not Halo 2!

Also xBox 360 is a strong system, with strong titles, while Halo is most likely the best its not like it was, with Halo 1 being one of the few good games that were xBox only
climbatiz said:
well if it does.... the 360 will drop lower than it allready is, microsoft NEEDS THIS in order to even have a chance in competing with nintendo, so i bet it wont, but if it does.... good news for nintendo fans! so far, GoW is keeping the 360 at a good resting point, but the wii is catching up, so if this does fail, M$ is s*** out of luck!

hahaha, yeah, umm halo 3 isnt the only amazing game coming out fool

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