I am a girl, deal w/ it.
What would you do if you were invited out by your friends to go to a bar or whatnot for St. Patty's day but your boyfriend/girlfriend can't go because he/she is involved in a year long un-reconcilable fight with one of the people that would be at the bar. He/she has tried calling everyone he/she knows to try to get someone to hang with for the night but everyone he/she knows is too busy or doesn't want to hang out. You, being his/her significant other, are the only one left that he/she could possibly hang out with and not feel sorry for themselves. Would you:
A. Feel sorry for them, call up your friends and tell them you can't make it so that you can spend some quality time with him/her.
B. Tell him/her that it's not your problem and go to the bar with your friends.
C. Well...A and B are really the only senarios so choose between them.
A. Feel sorry for them, call up your friends and tell them you can't make it so that you can spend some quality time with him/her.
B. Tell him/her that it's not your problem and go to the bar with your friends.
C. Well...A and B are really the only senarios so choose between them.