Which Religion are you?


Feb 10, 2007
I hope this doesn't get out of hand, but I believe sometimes the best way to get people to understand others beliefs is through discussion. People will just make crap up if they don't know anything, which isn't good.

So I'm a level 50 Christian, not to brag or anything.

I believe the rapture is coming soon(as in 10 years or less maybe).....(which is basically when the world goes to hell(not literally) and good christians go to heaven(literally), in simpler terms) Feel free to ask me about it.

I used to be Catholic once, but I don't really care for it now. I'm not really into labeling myself as part of one specific church, I'm just a Christian and would rather fill in the blanks spots by myself than let a church do so.

I also rarely go to church, I don't feel that I need too. To me it's more of a tradition thing than spiritual thing, I'd rather just not bother. As long as I'm honoring the sabbath day I'd say I'm ok.

But if you're into that type of thing, that's cool too.

So which are you?
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ill make sure this doesnt go OUT OF CONTROL

at first i was going to lock it but ill accept ONE WORD ANSWERS or actually 3 words.

"i am "insert religion""

anyone that mocks anyone else gets a warning and if they do it again, a ban

I don't have one.
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Im a nothing. Although I take certain aspects from religions such as the buddhist belief that suffering is caused by desire. I just pick and mix :D

Oh and I was brought up as a Catholic
Erm, I'm kinda between religions. I'm sorta Agnostic (willing to accept that there is a higher power, but need proof) and sorta Aethiest (can accept there being no creator, that things happened the way they were "naturally").

Though I do try and follow the major rules thats in the holy books (noo mudering, stealing adultery etc...), but not for acceptance, more to do with it's how I would want to be treated too.

But yeah, Aethiest/agnostic. I'm a very open minded person... Lol.
Amen to that, brother!. xD!
Gimme a hug! xD
Brawny said:
Hey squall, can I recommend Theistic Evolution? lol.
To me or to everyone?

I prefer to keep evolution seperate from religion. But heck, there's no stopping you from explaining it to other people.
I'm a Discordian Pope. I believe that Eris, the Goddess of chaos and confusion, is the creator of the universe.*

* As a true Discordian I automatically reserve the right to change my mind at any time.
level 50, how did you get so much experience!?!?!?!?!
but in all seriousness i've never heard of levels before please explain,
i'm catholic, allthough i believe mohammed was a real profit, and believe that one can learn a lot from buddaism
captainff said:
I'm a Discordian Pope. I believe that Eris, the Goddess of chaos and confusion, is the creator of the universe.*

* As a true Discordian I automatically reserve the right to change my mind at any time.
Interesting. I looked it up on wikipedia.
Does it have it right?

Almost sounds like post-modernism...

...Also interesting. Is Aeris (the character from Final Fantasy VII) a reworking of Eris?

...Come to think of it, Jehovah is close to Jenova. Jenova was meant to have fallen out of the sky... Coincidence?
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I'm non-religious- Not a full blown atheist, more agnostic. I study physics, so I know there are some things in nature that definitely make you question if there is a creator (or creators). I keep an open mind about it, although I'm more inclined towards atheism.
I have to say that I am happy that our Atheist representatives so far are not complete bigots. w00t
I am Catholic.

I went to church today.

I went to a Holy Communion party today.

I'm going to an evening confirmation class at 7-9.

My day of rest has turned out somehow ironic.

I like being Catholic though :)