Christianity Fake Or Real?

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Got Wii? [1-21-07]
Jan 27, 2007
Wii Online Code
I personally dont believe in Christianity for the following reasons:

If heaven exsists, then why are people so afraid of dying?

And its a fact that the sun will die out in about 2.3 billion years.
When that happens, are they gona stop receiving people to heaven?

If christainity is a TRUE religion, why would they say ONLY Christians go to heaven?

So, if humans go to heaven, animals go too? We are no diff. then animals, we are no higher rank then them, we are equal. What made God Choose only HUMANS go to heaven? What happens to the animals that die?

Have you ever sat down and thought of the word Christianity and wut pops to mind?
Yes, greed is the word, They say you can only be forgive for the sins u made by going to church, being chris. , praying.

Wut happens to the other people that arent? They burn in hell because they arent chris.? Because they are innocent? And i had thought Chris. is Justice, Isnt that wut they said in the bible? yet the innocent unchris. people burn, while a Killer prays for forgiveness and goes to heaven.

I'm not saying chiristianity is bad or anything, but what makes of it?

We based every single crap to that religion, The Year System
i.e. this year is 2007, so its 2007 years after jesus was born.

They have proven from the recent discovery of an ancient fossil of a human (3.2 Million years old) we have Ape/Monkey Like features (Theory we evolved from Apes/Monkey), Whilelist Christianity say we were made from CLAY.

Explain these reasons above.

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You can't say that it is fake, it is real, but whether or not it is built up from something which is real or fake is a different matter.

There is no way to prove the content of the bible is correct.

and frankly i don't care if people believe in christanity, as long as they are happy, thats what counts, and as long as they don't try and hurt me.
I sorta feel people are given stuff like being hurt and that (naturally coming about) to see how people react to different situations, making 'em worthy or not for heaven. e.g being dumped by a girlfriend, what do you do? try and get back with her, get over it, or casually stab her. (not sucha good example but you get the idea)
XtremeKilling said:
they are hurting us, insults, heaven?
omg stop being such a child and grow up, when i said hurt, i ment like killing my family or something like that. or burning down my house with all my possesions.

Take it on the chest, don't take it on your heart.
As long as any religion is not imposed on people, I don't care who follows what. I say just go with what you feel.

Is Christianity a sham? I certainly don't know. I know some of the events described in the Bible contradict scientific observations, but its core messages have not yet been proven or disproven. Don't think that because one chapter is probably wrong, you've disproven the entire religion.
theres already a thread on this.. someone close plz.

of course its real, or we just lost a huge % of the worlds population...
Can I just say

There are sevral threads about religon allready
This forums not called Godchat
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