You wanted Off-Topic, here it is.


Ngiyabonga, my friend.
Jul 19, 2006

I was just watching Jerry Springer a little bit ago. They had some KKK members on there preaching about “It’s a sin to marry out of your race. I don’t even look or talk to races other than white.” They came out screaming “WHITE POWER!” It saddens me. What’s wrong with this picture, you ask?

Why can’t it be “HUMAN POWER!” or “LOVE POWER!”? Why must it be black power, white power, Asian power etc…? Why do some people insist on viewing life in one color. Why not see in all colors? Why not enjoy the bright and wonderful cultures that are available to us? Have us as human beings not suffered enough with all this hate?? It’s been thousands of years, people. Haven’t we learned what happens when one discriminates, is prejudice, racist, sexist….? Do we not all breathe, eat, sleep, love, cry, bleed, smile, laugh?

I heard the people on Jerry Springer saying “God separated us for a reason” Why must someone turn something as loving as God into something as hateful as racism? Why do people insist on hating? Love is love. Love is love. Love is love. If your child loves someone out of their race. Love is love. How can you deny true love simply because someone is a different color? It’s ridiculous.

Do bitter people who think like this around the world not realize how many tragedies have come of hating? Not only do they discriminate against other races, but they even do it to their own. Handicapped, different hair color, religious beliefs… Rwanda – 1994 – 937,000 deaths. Nearly 1 million! 1 MILLION! Do you know why these people died? There were two different types of Africans there, the Hutu and the Tootsie. The Hutu took it upon themselves to kill all Tootsie, simply because of their difference. All these deaths and nobody stepped in to help. Every country saw what was happening and only pulled out their OWN people. Are these people who died less worthy because they were born somewhere else, because they’re a different color, because they speak a different language? No, they should be just as valuable as any one else.

We were all born with love. We all have the capability to love. All of us. My message for those who have hate in their hearts, open up, allow yourself to love. My message to those who are victims of the hate, stay strong. When you are given hate, make love. When you are screamed at, whisper. When you are spit on, hug. When you are kicked, get back up.

Did these people not learn from Hitler, slavery, countless wars, hate crimes etc..? I’m not asking everyone to turn the world over-night into Care Bear land…but what I am asking is to at least care. I’m asking to love the elderly like they were your grandparents, love the mothers and fathers like they were your parents, love the teens like they were your siblings, love the children like they were your child, regardless of they are Asian, Middle eastern, African, American, Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, Gay, Straight, Bisexual, Deaf, Blind, Mute etc… I’m not asking you to accept their beliefs, I’m not asking you to conform; I’m asking you to UNDERSTAND their beliefs. We’re all human beings here or at least I like to think so.

Everyone worries about global warming, meteors, over-population and so on. Well, at the rate we’re going, we won’t even get to that point. Every one will grow so full of hatred that we’ll kill each other before these things happen. If we pull together maybe we can fix these other problems, but it takes love and compassion first. It takes team work. If you spend too much time hating everyone around you, eventually you will be all alone and being alone is a very sad thing. Please, when you see someone hurting, someone who needs help…don’t be afraid to take a stand. Take the step to uniting us, the way we are meant to be. If not for other people, at least do it for yourself.

If we are all capable of loving then we’re all meant to be loved as well.

Thank you for reading. Just thought I’d give a little something for all of you to think about during your day :)
its because, in general, the human race is stupid (no offence everyone ^_^'). We can be selfish most of the time. and a lot of times we dont learn from our mistakes. people who usually accuse someone of racism is racist themselves.
That us a great post and i completly agree with everything you said. It was really touching and the truth.:D
*claps* "encore." *claps* "encore." That was truly a very insightful speech and I think most of us thought so aswell. It's sad that people are like that and can't be on the same brainwave like you. You just joined yesterday and already you're making a huge impact on this site. I hope to read more about the interesting things you type in the upcoming future.^_^
Mr_Stoukaph said:
its because, in general, the human race is stupid (no offence everyone ^_^'). We can be selfish most of the time. and a lot of times we dont learn from our mistakes. people who usually accuse someone of racism is racist themselves.
i like to be refered to as an elf just cause their so much cooler than humans. JK!:lol:
i agree with you 100%. people hate other people for the dumbest reasons. "hey, you dont look exactly like me, like everything i like, belive what i believe, act like i act, or speak my language. I HATE YOU!" <---- people like that make me sick. i try not to judge people untill i get talking with them and know who they are inside. i cant understand how someone can hate another person so much just because they are a little diffrent than they are. its just sad
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KraZy said:
*claps* "encore." *claps* "encore." That was truly a very insightful speech and I think most of us thought so aswell. It's sad that people are like that and can't be on the same brainwave like you. You just joined yesterday and already you're making a huge impact on this site. I hope to read more about the interesting things you type in the upcoming future.^_^

Thank you :) I'm glad you think so hehe I just thought "Hey, we're all on the same forum and need something to think about, may as well" Hope it worked :p
It's good to have an off-topic forum after all this nintendo wii talk. Don't get me wrong, i like talking about the wii, but it's interesting to mix things up once in a while.
People like that remind me of Togg las night. They reply to logic with some random crap that has nothing to do with anything, and they think they've made a convincing argument. The only reason I can think of that they could possibly have not learned from the events you mentioned is that they may think that the people involved were on the right track, but something went wrong; and that it's now up to them to do it right. Not that I'm agreeing with them in the least, but I think that's where they're coming from. I also agree with the statement earlier that humans are stupid.
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Lachadine said:
i know alot of stupid people who need hear that. too bad they probably wont follow it...i feel sad now:(. im having a bad day.

Awww, why such a bad day? I'm having a very happy day :D
*disclaimer: The following statement is made in jest, I am completely kidding*

Perhaps we should discriminate against the discriminators....


As was said before, Wizard's First Rule......people are stupid.

It is my belief, but I have no proof for it, but people are atleast slightly discriminatory, even if it is subconscious. Hope everyones day is going well!
A very well written speech, ~Marisas~. After dealing with that rude guy on this forum, whose name I won't even say because I know he would like that, I needed a pick-me-up and this is a great one.

I live in Columbia, Missouri and I'll hear people say the midwest is so backwards and unintelligent. While in some places this may be true, Missouri is definitly progressing. Columbia's a college-town, so it's very accepting to all races and sexual preferences. it's a pitty we don't have gay/lesbian marriage or civil union legalized yet, but we're getting there; my cousin started the first gay/lesbian support club at my current high school, Hickman, in the town and probably in the state.:)

As time goes by, racists, biggots, and homophobics will decrease because they will either meet the people they hate and realize they don't hate them since many of these people have been taught by family and/or friends to hate, and of course, and I would never wish death on anybody, the rest will slowly pass away with their prejudgments.

We really need to have more off-topic topics like this; keep them coming.:cool:

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