Lowest graphics out of the 3 systems, along with no multiplayer of ANY kind!:yikes:
Who thinks the Wii version will be poo compared to the others?
This link seems to think otherwise: Broken Controllers » Blog Archive » “Call of Duty 3 for Wii Gets Glowing Review” *scratches chin* Do cool features make up for an over-repeated theme? I actually don't care much for split-screen multiplayer (all my friends suck at FPSes) but the graphics still don't look all that amazing...
Who thinks the Wii version will be poo compared to the others?
This link seems to think otherwise: Broken Controllers » Blog Archive » “Call of Duty 3 for Wii Gets Glowing Review” *scratches chin* Do cool features make up for an over-repeated theme? I actually don't care much for split-screen multiplayer (all my friends suck at FPSes) but the graphics still don't look all that amazing...
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