Wii Channel Menu details


Apr 30, 2006
Here's Nintendos Official press release in which they go into more detail on the various Wii Channels mentioned earlier today.

The Wii Channel Menu will be the first screen shown on the television, as it easily integrates itself as part of people’s everyday lives.

Disc Channel:
This channel allows users to play either Wii game discs or the entire library of Nintendo GameCube™ discs.

Mii™ Channel:
Fun caricatured portraits created in this channel can be used as characters across a variety of Wii software. Portraits can be stored in a user’s Wii Remote and taken to a friend’s house to play on another Wii console. Each member of the family can have his or her Wii Remote personalized with a caricature.

Photo Channel:
This channel allows users to take digital pictures stored on an SD memory card and display them on their television screens. Users also can manipulate the photos in a variety of fun and creative ways, such as zooming or creating mosaics, puzzles or slide shows. They can draw, add stamps, and copy and paste. They also can change the “mood” of photos by brightening them, converting them to monochrome, inverting the color or changing them to stark black and white. Users can even add an MP3 tune to their slide shows. It provides a fun and easy outlet for people to edit their digital pictures. Users also can send their pictures to other Wii consoles by attaching a photo to the Wii Message Board.

Forecast Channel:
Users who have connected their Wii console to the Internet can access free local weather forecasts just a few seconds after turning on the Wii console. The WiiConnect24™ service automatically updates local weather information. Users can view forecasts for cities around the world on a 3-D globe.

News Channel:
Users can access breaking news with the touch of a button. When connected to the Internet, the WiiConnect24 service automatically updates this free channel and organizes it in a variety of topical categories. Users can see where news is happening by viewing the location of news stories on a 3-D globe.

Wii Shop Channel:
This is where users go to buy Wii Points or redeem them to download classic video games to the Virtual Console™. Users also can use points to download the Opera browser used in the Internet Channel.

Internet Channel:
This channel dramatically changes the relationship between a user’s home, the television and the Internet. Users download the Opera browser with Wii Points. Then they can surf the Internet right from the comfort of their couch. They can do quick research while watching a television program (“What was that actor’s name again?”). Or book travel plans and shop during commercials. The service is compatible with Macromedia Flash.

Wii Message Board:
Forget hand-scrawled notes tacked to the refrigerator door. Users can leave messages for other family members on a calendar-based message board. They also can use WiiConnect24 to send messages to people outside the home as well. Even better, people can trade photos and text messages with cell phone users. The service also allows for incoming messages targeted at software, such as a new map or weapon for a game. Games can constantly be updated, thereby extending their playability.
i hope purchasing wiipoints is easy. I don't want any complex stuff. Just 'here is my credit card. Give me some points please' followed by 'here is 1000 points. Give me a game.' Looked at this way, why don't we just buy games straight off credit/debit cards?
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chessaholic said:
i hope purchasing wiipoints is easy. I don't want any complex stuff. Just 'here is my credit card. Give me some points please' followed by 'here is 1000 points. Give me a game.' Looked at this way, why don't we just buy games straight off credit/debit cards?

Yea i agree that may be more efficient. The decision to use a point system opens the door for a vast veriety of marketing methods for Nintendo.

Gift point vouchers, free points with xx products, win points, share points? Tons of options.
i0n said:
Yea i agree that may be more efficient. The decision to use a point system opens the door for a vast veriety of marketing methods for Nintendo.

Gift point vouchers, free points with xx products, win points, share points? Tons of options.

Very true. I wouldnt be surprised if they used it to sell a point a penny in the UK, or one hundred a pound. This would make it easier and more 'sensible' counting, but would make us nearly twice as expensive as the US. it would be odd to buy 1000 points for £7.50 etc....
is it once you buy opera you keep it forever or you gotta pay points monthly for it because that would really suck
woooooooooooooooooo hhoooooooooooooooooooooooo go wii thats cool instant news reports nice dont get that on a ps3 do u do u :lol:
I can't wait to make my mii either. I wonder how much space they hold? Obviously not much if you can get them onto the 6 kb on the controller. I wonder if they can interact with each other, like nintendogs etc. You could share and have you and all your friends together on your wii, sleeping, playing games, appearing in your games.

I doubt it will be a point for a penny. Unless each game is around 500 points, I'm thinking 20 points for a NES game ($3-$5????) Either way, we'll still get a great deal without having to go out and buy each individual game we can find! Nintendo is so awesome. :wink:

Press conference will give details on price... Yes!!

Hoping that $200 covers a Wii, 2 controllers, and Wii Sports (Or LOZ:TP) Idc
chessaholic said:
I can't wait to make my mii either. I wonder how much space they hold? Obviously not much if you can get them onto the 6 kb on the controller. I wonder if they can interact with each other, like nintendogs etc. You could share and have you and all your friends together on your wii, sleeping, playing games, appearing in your games.


I think its 4kb, not 6
I_Dont_Know859 said:
is it once you buy opera you keep it forever or you gotta pay points monthly for it because that would really suck

I Dont Know859, this is a GREAT QUESTION that needs to be answered. Also, how much is a classic controller, and what the heck happened to those 'zappers'? That was never addressed. We need to make an "unanswered questions" thread around here. :scared:

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