Wii Channels, What do you want to see?


Feb 6, 2007
Brisbane, Australia
Just want to start a bit of a brainstorm for what Wii channels you'd like to see in the not to distant future.

My wishlist:

Mii World

A large world that you can roam with your Mii's and interact with other Wii's online. Perhaps being able to invite other owners to play games online (when that functionality arrives), Mii mini-games, etc

DS Channel
A channel where you can download DS game demo's, some DS + Wii games interaction (Trading data with Spore comes to mind).

Music Channel

A mp3/wma/Ogg player, that can play off the SD card or a USB plug-in would be a nice bonus.

Also thinking maybe a system like Xbox Live's achievements, where you can store certain milestones in different games you play, and compare them with your friends online.

What would you like to see?
Porn channel (adults only of course).

Itunes channel for listing to itunes music from your PC.

TV Guide Channel.

Joke/Comedy channel. . .get the joke of the day!

A realtime accurate weather channel instead of the 5+ hour delayed and innacurate current weather channel.
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I would like to see a sports channel where you can customize your favorite teams and maybe play fantasy sports....
A DVD channel would have been nice if the Wii supported it.
They really should have a Game Demo channel where you can download demos of current released games to try them out before you buy them (im sure its been mentioned though)
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csiguy4u said:
Porn channel (adults only of course).

It'll never happen, there's no way to know if the person accessing it is over 18. Besides we all know that Nintendo is family oriented, and in classic American parenting fashion, Nintendo would be blamed for any exposure, rather than the child or the parents.

I can see Nintendo getting the blame soon from the Internet channel anyway, if a kid gets caught looking up something they shouldn't, rather than punish the kid, or limit access to the channel, Nintendo will get blamed...

A sports channel will probably come around eventually, but you gotta wonder how they'll localise it...

RSS is a really good idea :D
Sports Channel:Get the scores of the last 2-3 games of any sport.
Music Channel:play music from the internet or your SD card/internal memory.(that reminds me can you save music to the Wii)
Joke Channel:posted above.
Wii Online Channel:A Channel that shows you how many people are playing certain games online. If you insert a game while in this channel it will take you to the specific online spot however if it does not support online the game will just load.
wiichat/board channel all it is,is wiichat you can ask questions state rumers etc,
video player channel.
I would like to see the wii play divx and xvid files that are burned to DVD.
when they get the keyboard function I'd like to see a wii instant messenger compatible with msn and aim and yahoo that would rock! not only that but yeah like a world roaming mii thing with the same globe as the news and the weather but shows the population of (online) wii owners within' the cities. and a list of their mii's. just dreaming though :p
Sports Channel for sure, somehow as good as sportscentre, lol.
Music Channel is needed as well. I cant live without music or sports so those channels would be great.

Anything else added on would be cool 2.

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