Wii in Australia thread

oh man.. thought i was f***ed this morning... woke up with 20min to eat breakfast and get leave the house for work >.< but i made it to work suprisingly early ! :yikes: probably because i went the other way into the city ( the one that doesnt get a 2km line of cars trying to head into the city) so that probably made me early.
Because if i can leave home at the right time, i dont get held up. theres like a 2 minute window where i can leave home and when i get to the entrance to the city theres only half a dozen cars lined up. after that all hell breaks loose from people trying to get to work by 8:30am.

i knew i was past that 2 minute window so i took the other way... see.. i've got this all figured out :yesnod:

oh.. and as for going early to work... ask yourself that question... would you ?
Yes, who wants to hang around work before you have too? I hate having to stay late! And I certainly don't want to be there early.
haha i'm always there late.. usually end up working 3 or so hours overtime in a week ( but i dont get paid overtime for it).

deanis: mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn... now i know why you have a thing for her.. **** man.. her voice = sex
Toomy..... chick at my college....Boxxy clone with blonde hair.

LMAO Liger....yer cant go past that voice. ^.^
eki: get me into University dammit >.< surely you can jumble som epapers so i dont have to pay any fees!

just as long as you get me into the video editing course... not this fairly male modelling crap that dean is enrolled in.
I'll put that on my list of things to do. It comes after I buy Dean the expensive camera he wants.

Which comes after I sell some Pro Hart paintings so I can afford to pay myself.