Wii to play DVD's?

The Wii will be playing the DVD's because the Wii games will be 12 cm diameter...and i am sure they wont use cds...lool..
I'm pretty sure that it would be able to play CDs as well if it has the ability to play DVDs. It's just like your PC's DVD drive.
Beerbat said:
The Wii will be playing the DVD's because the Wii games will be 12 cm diameter...and i am sure they wont use cds...lool..

Yea but they will be using custom 12cm discs. Just like the cube discs.
I don't think they are that stupid to do that...Cube's format sucked as hell so they need to start changing that on Wii
Azuma Kyuubi said:
well, am i correct by saying the disk will be 12cm anyways so it might just play them like the ps2...no mini disks....but in all fairness who cares, nintendo is all about gaming!

A single self-loading media bay will play single, or double-layered 12 centimeter optical discs for Wii, as well as 8 centimeter GameCube discs.
I wouldn't mind paying for the attachment, I mean, the console will be cheap by itself. Better value for money than PS3 and XBox ^_^
It should be able too.
The game disk are double layer dvds.
So it should be able to play dvd and you will be able to watch dvds.
Ironically, like the xbox, you won't need to buy a remote controller to play the dvds because the controller is a remote.

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