Wii to somehow "remake" cube games:


Yay I'm dead!
Jul 21, 2006
Over the Stars
"The machine is based on GC," said Miyamoto. "We'll be upgrading the development tools, but GameCube code can be used for the most part as is. In that sense, I believe that it would be good to remake GameCube games for Wii, and that some titles would become better with the change to the Wii remote controller."

Best of all, Miyamoto envisages any such remakes will retail at a much lower price to their 'Cube originals, and may even help bring third party support to the system. "Even now," continued Miyamoto, "[GameCube titles] are sold at used shops, so we don't feel we could sell them for full price. However, development costs have been taken care of, so we could probably sell them at a more accessible price. If we make it so that such GC to Wii remakes can be produced quickly, it's possible that many titles will also be released from third parties."

The first such "Wiimake," as these GameCube to Wii remakes are already being referred to, is, of course, Twilight Princess, which is scheduled to launch with the Wii later this year. Miyamoto justified Nintendo's decision to use the game's additional development time to concentrate on additional content, rather than adding visual bells and whistles to the Wii version. "At one point," he explained, "even members of our staff said 'the Wii is more powerful than the GC, so we'd like to polish the graphics.' However, Zelda players don't look forward to this polish, they look forward to an enjoyable game."

Miyamoto did admit that this may not be the case for all titles. Games that demand strong visuals will have to be made accordingly, he said.

The Wii just keeps getting better and better! Damn, Miyamoto. You simply are always on the best things! :)
Nintendo remaking cube games for wii! yay!!

Shigeru Miyamoto described the game's transition from 'Cube to Wii as "an interesting experiment". It seems that following the success of Twilight Princess's bi-polar development, the Nintendo luminary is keen to remake existing GameCube titles, adding full Wiimote support.

"The machine is based on GC," said Miyamoto. "We'll be upgrading the development tools, but GameCube code can be used for the most part as is. In that sense, I believe that it would be good to remake GameCube games for Wii, and that some titles would become better with the change to the Wii remote controller."

Best of all, Miyamoto envisages any such remakes will retail at a much lower price to their 'Cube originals, and may even help bring third party support to the system. "Even now," continued Miyamoto, "[GameCube titles] are sold at used shops, so we don't feel we could sell them for full price. However, development costs have been taken care of, so we could probably sell them at a more accessible price. If we make it so that such GC to Wii remakes can be produced quickly, it's possible that many titles will also be released from third parties."

The first such "Wiimake," as these GameCube to Wii remakes are already being referred to, is, of course, Twilight Princess, which is scheduled to launch with the Wii later this year. Miyamoto justified Nintendo's decision to use the game's additional development time to concentrate on additional content, rather than adding visual bells and whistles to the Wii version. "At one point," he explained, "even members of our staff said 'the Wii is more powerful than the GC, so we'd like to polish the graphics.' However, Zelda players don't look forward to this polish, they look forward to an enjoyable game."

Miyamoto did admit that this may not be the case for all titles. Games that demand strong visuals will have to be made accordingly, he said.

and also talking about wiimote-wiimakes
read on..

August 21, 2006 - Nintendo has made some major changes to the control scheme for the Wii version of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Speaking to Japan's monthly Nintendo Dream publication, producer Shigeru Miyamoto revealed that the game will now allow players to swing the controller for sword slashes.

At E3, players used the B button to swing Link's sword, with Nintendo explaining at the time that players would likely get tired having to actually swing the controller. "Upon actually playing it, it's more interesting this way," said Miyamoto to Nintendo Dream about the new control scheme.

Going along with this change, Nintendo has made modifications to the game's bow and arrow controls. In the E3 version, players aimed with the Wiimote, then actually shot out arrows using the D-pad. With the B button now free, Nintendo has moved the action to the B button. Miyamoto felt that that shooting the arrow with the D-pad was too difficult, and the B button allows for quicker and easier shooting.

It's unclear if the game will require the new control scheme or if players will be able to chose between different methods of control.

Nintendo Dream closed off by asking Miyamoto to name the version of Zelda he personally prefers. The master game maker said that he'd play the Wii version, but added that both versions will be fun.

"I can't talk about it yet, but this Zelda has a lot to it," said Miyamoto. "What you played at E3 was just the tip of the nail." Regarding Nintendo's statement at E3 that Twilight Princess would be the best Zelda in history, he said, "Yes. It's coming along quite nicely."

With Twilight Princess due out at launch, GameCube and Wii owners will get to fully explore the potentially greatest Zelda game ever in just a few months. Stay tuned for more!
Yeah thats great news but i dont think u should just copy paste an interview or an article cause the forum can get in trouble i think, just paste a link to the site of where u got it from or atleast but a bibliography in
Nearly all multiplayer games remakes will be good cause of the wii online capability, so games like Mario Kart Double Dash, Super Smash Bros Melee, Super Mario Strikers, Soul Calibur 2 etc etc (in other words all the good multiplayer games)
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m7ticalm said:
Yeah thats great news but i dont think u should just copy paste an interview or an article cause the forum can get in trouble i think, just paste a link to the site of where u got it from or atleast but a bibliography in
Only the newscrew memvers (I.E. myself) can get busted for just copy and pasting a source or interview.
Still, i think the forum can still get in trouble can it not because your stealing their articles without even stating once that it is not of your own words, and i think that some respect should be shown to those people who wrote it, but if u didnt no this before dont worry, but i reckon that their should always be a source...... (yes, this has gotten off topic) Anyway, hooray to remade GCN games and this time we can play online!
Whilst I welcome Gamecube remakes utilizing the wiimote, but I think they'll have to put something more in than just that. I say, while you're at it, tinering with a game, improve the graphics, create anything you didn't have time to do on the original project (and in the case of Resident Evil 4 if Capcom would consider doing the same thing - add in all the stuff PS2 version had, and more).

Personally, I notice a significant difference in graphics between the Wii and Gamcube, and I don't think they can get away with releasing the same game with Wii compatibility. Either, they'll have it in terms of a free upgrade for games via a download service, or they'll have to mark down the Wii version of games to even less than full Wii games.

Don't get me wrong, I like the idea, but I just think they need to do something more than making Gamecube games wii-mote compatible and still selling them for regular price. Methinks we'll hear more on this idea...

P.S. I think this article needs at least a source, otherwise it's considered plagarism and breaking copyright law. If it's from ign or somwhere on the web, a link to the article might be nice...
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Squall7 said:
P.S. I think this article needs at least a source, otherwise it's considered plagarism and breaking copyright law. If it's from ign or somwhere on the web, a link to the article might be nice...

I rest my case
Woops, only just realised that this thread has already been posted previously and i didnt realise but i posted in both of the threads :(

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