WORST film/movie you've ever seen?


WiiChat Member
Sep 15, 2007
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Well as there's one for the greatest thought it would only be fair to have the worst film/movie thread. So whats your worst?

Mines got to be Epic Movie watched 5mins then walked out i hated it that much.
Yeah Epic and Date movies are dreadful. (Scary Movies are solid though)

At the moment, I honestly can't think of anything worse than those 2.
Those movies are for the stupid, idiotic population of the world who would find those stupid jokes funny.
I consider myself part of that group
I've seen plenty of films that are so bad they're funny, but House of the Dead was just plain crap. Of course, it was by Uwe Boll, a man seemingly incapable of making anything even remotely watchable.

Oh yeah, and Star Trek V. That film sucked.
Napalmbrain said:
I've seen plenty of films that are so bad they're funny, but House of the Dead was just plain crap. Of course, it was by Uwe Boll, a man seemingly incapable of making anything even remotely watchable.

Oh yeah, and Star Trek V. That film sucked.

We rent a ton of low budget horror, and we *kind* of give those movies a pass - I mean, our expectations are usually _very_low_ We were just watching Deadwood Park last night which has the following IMDB keywords: Ghosts, WWII, Rollercoaster, Horror, Werewolf :crazy:

Hahaha, HotD almost passes for so-good-it's-bad - Captain Kirk? Techno-Matrix-ass-kicking? Cuts to HotD video game footage? Clint Howard? :lol: Alone in the Dark (aka, Alone in the Theater) was way worse (what the hell happened to Christian Slater?).

Yep, ST V carried on the tradition of all odd numbered Trek movies being crap, even numbered ones being pretty good :D

TOS/Star Trek side note: I scored season 1 on the remastered HD release (dual format actually) with reshot FX scenes, re-recorded scores, etc., and they look amazing. If you're into the original series, these are well worth the price. Tons of supplemental material too.
Frogger said:

Really? I loved phonebooth.

Anyways mine would have to be Cars,Freddy vs Jason, and Garfeild. Those movies SUCKED...
Are you guys crazy? It was just a man standing in a phonebooth, the most cheapskate plot ever, no action, bored me to death.
Wamoo said:

The Pixar film!? While I wouldn't rate it higher than some of my fave Pixar movies like The Incredibles and Ratatouille (basically Brad Bird + Pixar = Gold) I still find just about everything in their catalog better than 90% of the stuff that gets released from major studios.
Yeah, cars is a very good movie. I can't see any reason to dislike it honestly. (Well, I can. But I can't find a reason to consider it the worst ever)