Would you ------ For a another delay O-o?


Henshin A Go Go Baby!
May 31, 2007
Well that ------ could be anything you wanted it to be- Character,Stage or anything else you prefer, If they had delay it just for two more characters (Viewtiful Joe and Megaman) I'd wait but it'd have to be depending on the wait time, I can only tollerate so much time D:
Yes, I would like to have sex for a delay.
lol, no, seriously, I'd say if they put in Donald Duck and Duckburg I would wait for a delay (and I am SERIOUS).
Travis Touchdown and Dante being added!

Not going to happen but they are awesome.
The only way I'd want them to delay it again was if they added a ranking system, but I would only wait 2 weeks tops.

Althought I could go without a headset I'm suprised that no ones said it?
more stages and a brawl that can have like up to 8 charcters in it so online would be sweet
Mingus said:
I'd be satisfied if they added a ranking system. And megaman.

If not that, I'd take Chuck Norris
NO! A ranking system would be horrible. Bad idea. A ranking system would lead to people disconnecting from matches frequently and using cheats. With no ranking system, you won't have to worry about things like that. I like the decision Sakurai made. And like he said, you can just kick back and just play with no worries
Brawny said:
If they delayed the US and brought ahead the EU...

My Lawd I Hope She reads That.
Brawny said:
Well I'm already planning on waiting for you guys' release anyway.

You release what making EU get the game first will earn you?
Shoko said:
NO! A ranking system would be horrible. Bad idea. A ranking system would lead to people disconnecting from matches frequently and using cheats. With no ranking system, you won't have to worry about things like that. I like the decision Sakurai made. And like he said, you can just kick back and just play with no worries

Sorry Shoko but that doesn't make want it any less. I'm use to crap like that. I've been playing online games for years. All I have to say about it is, people that don't like it, don't need to play it. If someone disconnects, who cares right. The whole thing is weak.

BTW, have you have heard Dane Cook talk about wanting a Monkey? Because you sound like that guy who seems to know everything about monkeys.