zelda movie in the making!

lol i may be a big fan of zelda but this is really bad, tip of the hat to the guys trying to make it but it really needs alot of funding and maybe with the same graphic styling of ocarina of time itself (cartoon/game like)

good idea tho will probably end up watching it :p
It looks kind of cheesey and cheap, yet i wouldnt mind watching it. might be interesting. but then again i HATE cheesey and crap acting it angers me XD
I dont see any of you trying to top it. I will deff go see it if it plays anywhere within 50 miles of where i live. Gotta love the dedication of those people to organize everything.

lmao you actually expect this to be in theatres lmao?
Thanks a pretty freaking awesome trailer! Especially for a bunch of fans to make. Even if it's low budget, I'd go see it, just to support the cause :) It would be SO awesome to see a full length motion picture though :)
Man, these guys are obviously big Zelda fans, but no matter what kind of film you try to make, crappy directing, and crappy camera work will bring it down every time.
You can tell from this trailer that the direction BLOWS. I spotted shaky cameras, terrible angles, and.....wtf is with their Link choice?!
He needs to be fairly short, dark blonde at the most and OF COURSE have pointy ears!! WTF?! Was that Triforce drawn with a SHARPIE?!?! ugghh...
although it does make clear that a higher budget, well-directed and acted version would kick extreme ass..plus the trailer music was good.

Oh yeah, and if they ever DO make a real, full length high-budget version....
please god, DON'T CALL IT "The Hero Of Time"!!!
What a lame-ass subtitle. It just screams "I'm a VIDEOGAME movie, yar-har-har!!"
This is one of the worst thing I've ever seen in my whole life :] , nothing really looks in place, ganondorf looks like a nerd witha costume....wait that's what he is....sorry....I hope nintendo sue them or something /= .

For those who go with the "dood ai don't care, it's ZELDA!!!", that only makes you sound patetic, one has to now when to addmit that the things one like suck, I mea you are going to watch this movie cuz is Zelda?, c'mon you should said, because is Zelda there has to be a good movie, this so called "fans" are only gonna make Zelda look ridiculous for the world, and of course because it's Zelda you are willing to pay for this and makes this guys keep coming with that kind of crap.

If theres gonna be a Zelda movie, I woul pretty much rater a Final fantasyshh thing, it would be hard to capture the extension(and I mean a games extension, not the whole saga or something like that) of a Zelda game in a movie Though.
looks crappy...but pretty good for a low budget film, but i can't get over his clothes....theyre like to perfect, they should be raggity and more textured
I say quit while you're in the gutter already. Do us all a favor and leave the future of the Zelda fanchise to the professionals. No live action movie can do Zelda justice, figuring Zelda is an animated video game. If one were to make a movie based on Zelda it should be animated like Final Fantasy or the Animatrix:part One.
"Graphics don't make games"??? That's what I read over and over around here. Now you guys are bashing an actual film ("REAL" people) for bad "graphics"? No Special effects...not dirercted by Peter jackson("Dead Alive" anyone?). No Nintendo franchise has ever made a really stellar movie....I know I'll get flamed for this but I personally think SMB was a "good" movie if you go into it without all the high expectations.