zelda movie in the making!

The series has so much potential for a bitchin movie... Unfortunately the game characters don't look like real people, and without a proper budget a movie like that just looks too poorly done. Still, for fan made it's pretty good. I will see it if it's free.
If you look closly to one of the parts you can see the triforce on Link and Zelda's hand are drawn with black marker. What a rip off:prrr: Look at one of the angles!! You can hardly see what they're trying to show you. I hope it only comes onto TV NOT the theaters. OMG the link is really wierd, the hair should look more like hair not a wig. I has to be longer. It should have Way better lookings. And....And.... OMG someone puts makeup all over their face to look like gandorff. OMG if its comeing to theaters hmm...this many people should show up:0:mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2:
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I just hope it's not gonna end up like the street fighter movie...

Edit: Add: Link does look queer here.. shouldn't he be a kid sneaking in the castle? The Triforce on their hands made me wince at the sight.
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Old news, the Movie was suppose to be out last November, its now been about 4 months since that time looks like this could be fake.

This looks horrable!
asdfnick said:

This looks horrable!

you're probably one of those noobs that doesn't think ganon is a pig/man wizard either. that cartoon is classic don't bash it
wiicanada said:
you're probably one of those noobs that doesn't think ganon is a pig/man wizard either. that cartoon is classic don't bash it
Well excuuuuuuuuuuuse me princess. dont call me a n00b. this cartoon if funny, and very zelda oriented, but it isnt very good, especially at representing link. I know gannon is a pig, i just never pictured him as an idiot. Dont just assume things about people that you dont even know. Yes i liked the zelda cartoons, but there is no way i would ever stand up for them by saying they are awesome and politically correct.
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This will be prefect... if it had the graphics of FF: Advent Children, Zelda has recently taken a more realistic dark turn this movie would be a huge backslide. If this movie comes out it will be one of those that never hits the theaters
It looks so cheesy it isn't even funny. I would not waste my time or effort to go see this movie. I think I will just stick with the games.