ADS vs Hip Fire


WiiChat Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Anyone else use ADS only? No matter how much I try I cant use hip fire... I just don't have the dexterity to pull it off. I know I need to master this skill because its part of the game but it just seems wrong. Plus using ADS I get head shots 90% of the time even.

Who fires from the hip anyway? Mafia Gangsters... Terrorists... Cowboys...Bad actors. Everyone in the OLD James Bond films. IRL forget about it lol you try hip fire in real combat you're done... I know its just a game...
Not having the experience or patience with hip fire is my main downfall in the game so trollface, you are not the only one. I have continually experimented with it and will eventually get better at it, just takes time I guess. Keep at, I will too.
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Not having the experience or patience with hip fire is my main downfall in the game so trollface, you are not the only one. I have continually experimented with it and will eventually get better at it, just takes time I guess. Keep at, I will too.

Glad to know I'm not the only one... Seriously...
Firing at the hip[

I find myself ADS more than hipfiring and I've seen times where i get killed cause i ADS instead of from the hip, i get so used to the ADS. When i get in close with the enemy i go hip, its better acc.
I had mentioned in another thread that switching to the wiimote helped to greatly improve my game. That coupled with learning how to hip fire has made a huge difference. I couldn't kill anyone without ADS, a grenade or meleeing someone which greatly reduces kills and increases deaths. Learning hip firing will not only improve your stats, if you care about those, but it will make the game more fun ( except when you're learning how to hip fire.) Now it comes as second nature. Alot of times I'll start hip firing during a kill and then ADS to finish.
Well obviously when you use ADS you move slower, so you are at a disadvantage against users of hip firing in any face to face confrontations. At close range I can usually run circles around opponents while their wiimotes/analog sticks try to catch up. I've had a go with the gamecube controller and it's definitely a lot harder to hip fire with than the wiimote.

Once you get hip firing down, Archives becomes a thing of beauty.
I use both accordingly. If you depend on ADS for all kills. You're not going to get all the kills you deserve. Hip Fire has a HUGE part in it not just ADS. Once your ADS is too slow to keep up with a sprinting enemy that's a sign that you should be Hip Firing instead. Run and Gun that's how I roll. And it got me a 1.92 kdr to boot.
At close range I can usually run circles around opponents while their wiimotes/analog sticks try to catch up. I've had a go with the gamecube controller and it's definitely a lot harder to hip fire with than the wiimote.
I don't get what your saying here. You kind of contradicted yourself.
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At close range I can usually run circles around opponents while their wiimotes/analog sticks try to catch up. I've had a go with the gamecube controller and it's definitely a lot harder to hip fire with than the wiimote.
I don't get what your saying here. You kind of contradicted yourself.

haha who knows... Good to know someone is running in circles around my circles. Some players are freaking amazing at hip fire.
I'm decent enough with hipfiring, though I do rely on ADS snap more than I would like. Using ADS seems like the smart thing to do until you come across players who know how to hipfire, which is why I'm trying to improve my strafing abilities. :(
At close range I can usually run circles around opponents while their wiimotes/analog sticks try to catch up. I've had a go with the gamecube controller and it's definitely a lot harder to hip fire with than the wiimote.
I don't get what your saying here. You kind of contradicted yourself.

Sorry I should clarify that I use wiimote all the time but when I tried out a gamecube controller it was really hard to hip fire with. I come across a lot of people trying to use ADS at close range, which makes them a lot slower in aim and movement, and that makes it easy to out maneuver them.

Once you get hip firing down, Archives becomes a thing of beauty.

Lemme fix that... Once you get Hip Firing down, any map becomes a thing of beauty. When you have an enemy to close for comfort.
Well I highlight Archives because it's the one map where hip fire rules king!
On this map:

Interdictus/Drumhead + good hip fire aim = unstoppable!

Unless somebody brings Proxies to the party :[
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