Animal Crossing Wii

^^^^ true....well at the least sending letters. then again, its just like AC:ww, better make sure you know who you invitie to your town before they come with an axe and chop trees and pick flowers.
i read on that you will be able to visit other peoples towns when their wii is on
stand-by. You will also be able to make your own furnature and give it to people over wiiconnect24!
I think for the next Wii they should capitalize on online.

They should allow you to make a AC town that's completely online all the time that you can share with 3 or more friends. I was hoping for that with ACWW, but unfortunatley it didn't happen.
That sounds pretty good. You could trust your three friends not to trash the town while you were away.
ssbb_lover said:
Ugh, it's a port. I have it, it's definitely not worth the buy if you've already played the gc has a couple new items, here's two examples:

Never played the gc version: "Omg tis is teh best game evaaa. its so creativ an its fun and addicting and the online play is cool u should buy it"

Played the gc version: "It''s a's a damn port."

So ya, that's pretty much how it is. If you've played the gc version, you've been there done that, if you haven't, you definitely need to experience what AC is like. :thumbsup:

It's not a port....
The use of Miis for your character would be kinda cool.
I played animal crossing for the wii on the DS and I really liked it, cause they let you use the touch screen for everything. I just hope they make good use out of the wii controller.
Yeah I type to fast sometimes. I played animal crossing for the DS. Not hte wii on the DS LoL. Sorry :frown2:
I was thinkin' they could make more type of designs for the hats, boonie, bucket, cap, cowboy, etc... not just using the design for that horn hat, and have it seperated to where you can design it more accurately. Such as, for the cap, work on the visor, then move to the rest.

I'd also like the other players to be given the choice to be your roomate or not. If not, they get their own house.

I dunno about this or not, but maybe when you do something more with an item, fish, dig up fossils, etc, your item gains exp and levels up slowly in (I guess like HM). Having a higher level in something increases your chance of finding the rarer fossils, fish, ammount of fruit that drops from trees, deweeding (like a small area or the closest 3 weeds). Also, after you get to a new item level, you can choose which level to be; that way you can catch the common fish easier by choosing a level 1 rod if its level 2.

That might be going too far though, because some people like the difficulty of finding all the fossils, and fish difficultly, so as to make it longer and make it more of a challenge. I guess if they were to use this system, at least double the number of fish and fossils.