Bomerman '93 Powerups not appearing


WiiChat Member
Aug 6, 2007
Hey All,

I bought Bomberman 93', and the instructions list all kinds of cool powerups, but I'm not seeing them in multiplayer. I know some don't exist, like walking through walls, but others should, like extra speed, timed detonate, etc.

All I ever get are
1) Extra Bombs
2) Fire (Extra Range)
3) Kick Bomb
4) MultiBomb (laying them out all at once)

That's it... How do I get the rest?

Sorry, these items only occur in the single player mode. I was annoyed with it as well but those four power ups are all ur gonna get in multiplayer mode.
But the curses are very unpredictable. Mostly causing more trouble than giving an advantage. It's up to u in terms of the risk.