chachs official Resident Evil 4 hints and questions Thread

So the rifle has a scope, but I could get a kickass scope?

Do I need that better scope yet?
Bought scope and rifle, onwards to this epic battle you speak of...
I picked off the people walking on the bridges then a whole bliddy army came at me >.>


This is going to be hard =]
{Axtlár} said:
yeah prepare for a little canine surprise later..

I think I might just put my controllers down now:)

Oh yeah, I died xD

Meh, I was running then stopped to turn around and shot but got raped from behind.

Lets try this again =/
Lol! "Detrás de tí imbecil!" remember when you hear that, just look behind you, it means "behind you, you imbecile"
wario2ooo said:
lol.....just wait till you get killed from behind from the chainsaw

If I stop asking questions its probably because that happened and I had a heart attack:)