Chain chomp hat - Makein knittin look nerdy


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
Due to my hair I cant ware hats
This is just the thing needed to keep your head warm whille still givein off that "Im a gamer" vibe
But then again whoed want a hat that looks like its eatin there head


More pics on site

Any gamer worth two cents has played at least ONE of the Mario games. Thusly, nearly every gamer knows of the mighty Chain Chomp.
An enemy in the Mario Bros. franchise, they first appeared in Mario Bros. 3, as a black ball with eyes and teeth, attached by a chain to a block. The chain would lunge itself at Mario, teeth a-chomping, if Mario was within its range.
In later games, the chomps could appear on a loose chain, trailing after Mario and friends. They also adapted their own sound effect, a doglike, rumbling ARF ARF. In the latest release in the franchise, Super Mario Galaxy, Chomps are seen chainless, rolling around happily in their natural habitats. They have long been one of the many instantly-recognizable entities in the Mario world.
I designed this hat on a whim, inspired by discussions with my geeky friends awhile ago, about how relatively simple it would be to design. In the last few days, I drew it up and knit it on the fly, taking notes as I went. The result is a Chomp that has happily broken free of its chain, only to latch itself onto an unsuspecting gamer’s head.

Theres a how to on the site :(

EDIT: A scarf with the bottom half of the chainchomp would make the whole thing even more awesome.
A Chain Chomp hat? :lol: Whoever thought of that was either really bored or just really creative. Don't think I would buy one though...


@ FRuMMaGe: I'm a Nintendo fan, but I would never waste my money on that.
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FR. said:
A Chain Chomp hat? :lol: Whoever thought of that was either really bored or just really creative. Don't think I would buy one though...
Get out of this forum and never come back!

You call yourself a Nintendo fan :lol:
I thought this was going to be one of mario's costume were you become a chain chomp lol
But guys you know you can never imitate the creepyness of the chain chomp :D