Club Nintendo 2007 Platinum member gifts


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
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Only in Japan gomenasai !
But still a snes controller is a
US, November 15, 2007 - Still not jealous over all the awesome bonuses Nintendo Japan has been giving its customers as part of the Club Nintendo rewards program? Well, you will be after reading this.

Nintendo has announced the free bonus items that it will be giving to platinum members of the Club Nintendo service this year. Those customers with platinum status, meaning they purchased enough Nintendo product between 10/1/2006 and 9/30/2007 for over 400 Club Nintendo points, will be able to select one of the following items:

1. Wii Super Famicom Classic Controller: A Wii controller attachment that looks exactly like a Super Famicom (the Japanese Super Nintendo) controller. This will be delivered at the end of April 2008.

2. Super Mario Galaxy Soundtrack Platinum Version: Two CDs featuring 81 songs, all fully orchestrated. Delivery at the end of January 2008.

3. Club Nintendo Calendar 2008: A set of two tabletop calendars. Set for delivery at the end of December.

For a look at the bonus items, check out the Club Nintendo website.

Our Japanese readers who qualify for the promotion will want to submit their choices at the site by 12/2.

Why cant we have nice things

The Snes controller will be for sale

Like some of our editors here at Engadget, we know you long for the carefree, multi-hued days of the Super Nintendo and all its Mode 7 glory. Well, if you live in Japan, are a member of Club Nintendo (wherein you earn points for purchases of the company's games and accessories), and have the patience to wait until April, you could be the proud owner of the Wii SNES (Super Famicom, rather) controller. The gamepad won't be commercially available, nor will it be offered stateside (as far as we know), so now is the time to firm up your relationships with Japanese friends, or start saving pennies for your forthcoming eBay bidding war. Either way, the chance to relive your youth is just around the corner.

You lot that want one keep your eyes on Playasia
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extreme jealousy.

I would pay for that.

I wonder if I would've had 400 Nintendo Points. 6 Nintendo 1st party games (including Wii Sports), my wii, 2 controllers/nunchucks, 2 wavebirds, 1 classic controller, nintendo brand sd card. Thats a lot of ninten-dough.
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The snes pad should be for sale or better yet
THE MEGA DRIVE PAD the six button one is ideal for fighting games
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Link_of_Hyrule said:
well my friend check ebay people usually sell club Nintendo stuff there :p
Yeah but they tend to over charge for rareatys

Your still here ?
ugh! thats not fair dude! i want one.......i sound like a fat kid after a cupcake hahaha
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Cake ?

Edit - READ OP
The Snes controller will be for sale
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