Favorite cutscene? *SPOILER WARNING*

When Link and Mario are running and avoiding shots (I forget what they were avoiding) or when everyone was going onto the big Subspace ship thing.
My favorite scene was the arrival of Captain Falcon.

But the scene that made me smile was:

When Ganondorf and Link team up and enter the Subspace. I love it when the hero and villian team up.
oooh, ooh new fav
when everyone has teamed up to defeat the ship coming out of subspace, and kirby destoys it with the dragoon. the main reason was the music playing, got my heart pumping.
Did anyone else notice that they never explained why the antagonists were using MetaKnight's ship? I was expecting them to do that later on.

Favorite cutscene is definetly the one where R.O.B. is unveiled.
I liked it when Samus is being spun around and is dragging against the wall. Not sure why but it looked really good.
I like the one where they all joined together it was like omggg so epic!! but then later they all got pwned by Tabuu funny x3
My favorite was when they attacked the ship coming out of subspace, it was very well put together.
when ganon and bowser are on that huge ship and there's like a star wars ship fight... its sweet
I have a tie between
when Mr. Game and Watch comes and for some reason they all start drinking tea. Also, the one where everyone turns into trophies.
I don't like using the Ice Climbers but I love their Cut Scenes, they seem completely oblivious to everything, all thye care about is the Mountain.