Found some wii fit sales numbers.

Can i just comment on the uk and us prices. We in the uk get paid alot more than the average American, if we had their wage over there and the games at that price we wouldn't notice as we would have less cash to spend. The pound is alot stronger than the dollar so both sides stop moanin and get on with some gaming!
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  • #17
LoganSix said:
Nintendo releases a gaming devices that is aimed at the non-traditional gamer, but can be used for traditional games, increasing their piles of profit and bring more and more people into gaming. Hardcore game boys are shocked! News at 11!!

Maybe you guys should do some Googling.
Thats nice and all but its not worth $75 bucks and those games arent anywhere near release of even been started yet. Yes i see the potential for the thing but why not wait till it is more games for it. Third parties are having a hard enough time as it is as some of you say getting the controlls right for the wiimote yet alone to bring another device in.( i think its just lazyness and not difficulty) Im not shocked that it did well i new it was going to do well but to out sell the best game there is and at that price for the wii is verry sad and that alone shows you the state of gaming. As of right now its not worth the $75 dollars hopefully before its release here there will be more games for it than just the disk that comes with it.
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  • #19
CantGetAWii said:
Firstly, the reason No More Heroes isn't doing so hot in Japan is they have a dumbed down version, what I mean by that is they have the less violent one that the Europeans get as well.

As for Wii Fit, personally I am looking forward to it.
It has quite the bunch of interesting games.
I will be buying it.
wow hold on now all that was taken out was the actual blood and replaced with black pixels. so wouldnt that go against what some of you believe that blood makes the game better? NOt throwing any thing against you but that was just a big argument that every one like to throw around that just cause it has blood and gore doesnt make it better. so like wise it still should be the same game just without blood, and a few body parts being chopped off. shouldnt harm the gameplay that much should it?
yungblood6 said:
wow hold on now all that was taken out was the actual blood and replaced with black pixels. so wouldnt that go against what some of you believe that blood makes the game better? NOt throwing any thing against you but that was just a big argument that every one like to throw around that just cause it has blood and gore doesnt make it better. so like wise it still should be the same game just without blood, and a few body parts being chopped off. shouldnt harm the gameplay that much should it?

No no, I am just saying that some people may prefer blood to pixels, and may have been disappointed with the change.

Plus it would help the "kiddie" image out a bit, with the blood no? :lol:
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True I hope its just the fact that the japanese are picky because if it truly is a bad game then im running out of games to wait on. I got a long January and then light in feb and then back to the dark time at least for the wii untill late april and may.
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Can't say that for sure, who knows whats coming out next year after Brawl.
I don't think we will see a gaming drought, we'll probably get a nice surprise in March or April.

Also Wii's supply and demand is likely to even out by April of 2008, so that'll be better for all sales really.
yungblood6 said:
Thats nice and all but its not worth $75 bucks and those games arent anywhere near release of even been started yet. .... As of right now its not worth the $75 dollars hopefully before its release here there will be more games for it than just the disk that comes with it.

How much would you pay for a biometric scale?
I believe they usually run around $50.

The gamepads for DDR cost from $30 for the cheap ones up to over $100 for the metal ones.

How much does a Wii 'mote cost? $40.

Seems like $75 plus a bunch of games is a good price. It's just a little more than DDR:Hottest Party and will be more useful in the future than the dance pad.
yungblood6 said:
Im sure lots of women will love this though.

If you think "oh, yoga, must be a woman's game" you're wrong. Plenty of guys would go for this. I liked the post, the links were great, but please refrain from blatantly sexist comments in a serious topic.

I'm a guy and I don't care what it costs. That looks cooler than half the stuff PS3 and Xbox360 put out combined IMO.
Wii fit will make a killing here. I thank nintendo for being so innovative, and am satisfied with the price point.