Funny but wierd story.

bigwilliiy said:
lol good one. also theres another time i was in another shop and i was standing there trying not to laugh the lady was asking for a wii and asked
" can a nintendo play ipod games?"

that just made me ROFL all thru the store
I as in EB today when two very....very angry parents came in demanding little...Timmy's brand new (like bought 2days ago new) PS3 be magically fixed before Christmas. EB said they wouldnt replace it....*Timmy's parents erupt*, grabbing phones demanding to talk to people, and calling abuses. Damn glad I bought a Wii ;)
Good stuff, at least he managed to get a Wii this Christmas.
Many kids may be disappointed this holiday.
not really.....

Aidan. said:
Oh there is at the moment. :)

Not to the extent of the USA, but I've been doing my Xmas shopping and have been to 3 shopping malls in the past 4 days. Can't help but poke my head at the wii stuff while shopping and there was not a single wii in any of those shopping centres.

Lucky I got mine when I did! :lol:

if you try hard enough its very easy to get one where i am, walk in, buy 1, walk out

you have the same name as me.....weiiiiiiirrrddd o_O
Lol 3 Wii's

Edit: OMG STEPH 1 Min AHEAD OF ME! >=[

Make Me Take This 2nd Post of The 2nd Page....When I've Could've gotten 1st post of the second page!
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