Gadgets or Girlfriends?


Waluigi's #1 Fan!
Dec 18, 2006
Wii Online Code
According to a new survey, Brits are choosing their gadgets over their loved ones.

As part of The Great British Bedtime survey, conducted online by, 1408 people were asked about their sleeping habits between 27 February and 03 March 2008.

The survey, run by The Sleep Council, found that our obsession with gadgets such as BlackBerries, mobile phones, games consoles and laptops, is forcing millions of couples to regularly sleep apart.

It revealed that 40% of people go to bed at a different time to their partner because they are still playing with their toys and eight out of 10 have admitted to using computers or other gadgets at bedtime.

Some 22% now rely on their Blackberries and mobile phones for their alarm call, 43% watch television in bed and 26% make phone calls or send/receive texts messages.

Indeed - it's almost become the norm with many sending and receiving emails and checking social networking sites, such as Facebook, in bed before snuggling down.

According to the Sleep Council, our bedrooms have become 'communications hubs' instead of a place for sleep.

"Busy night-time routines are driving couples' bedtimes and even their bedrooms apart," said Jessica Alexander of The Sleep Council.

And this obsession with keeping on top of things - either answering emails or checking our Facebook profile pages - means that we Brits are going to bed later and later.

According to the survey, 40% of the respondants were in bed between 10pm and 11pm on a workday, while only one in eight hit the sack by about 9pm.

And, unsurprisingly, we're all tired as a result.

Of the respondants aged between 25 and 34 years old, 56% described themselves as usually very tired or shattered when they go to bed.

Of course the three hours and 16 pints in the pub after work has nothing to do with this.

As it should be. :lol:

Here is a picture I found a while ago that pretty much sums it up:

You know what? I may be guilty of using my computer until some ungodly hour in the morning, but I wouldn't mind a girlfriend instead.

By the way, the stick figure comic is from XKCD. Go check it out if you're a computer/maths nerd.
In a non-geeky way whatsoever, I would take my gadgets over her.
For the most part I would say Girlfriend over Gadgets, especially considering many of them can be played with them, like a console or whatever. So your still spending quality time with both and not leaving one of them out (if your one of those people who count a video game console as a person with feelings :wink:)
Hmm.. we're both geeks so we'll both stay up late playing around with them :lol:

I always end up falling asleep on the sofa while Jay plays a game, but we always go to bed at the same time when he realizes I'm sleeping lol. I'm not bothered either way though.. as long as I get my sleep I'm happy :)
I'd choose Girlfriend over Gadget. Not to mention I'd try to find someone that wouldn't mind playing a video game with me, maybe co-op mode or something. If not, I'd make a schedule on which days I should stay up playing something, and days I should just go to bed.. It's only a mere dream for now, parents are too light of sleepers.
Very interesting article.

I'd like to be righteously angry about guys ignoring their wives/girlfriends for shiny gadgets, but I know I would be the same way. :lol:
only geeks prefer gadgets over a girl

go get some choch
I'd never choose a gadget over my boyfriend.
Anyone who would deserves to be single and starved for sex forever.

It's ironic that I'm the one that's wrong, and keeping her up a lot of the I'm not sure on which side of the line that is.

It's the best to have a girlfriend that knows her gadgets. (y)