Games you wish wii had

Oh yeah, i forgot Outrun, Road Rage and James Pond 2:Robocod!
Ahh, memories!
Scooter80 said:
Mario Kart. the original that is.
Some people might not know about this website:
it features virtual console reviews of all the games that are on the VC, as well as up and coming games to the VC.

I always use that and I would want to have more pokemon on wii shop
wish they had conkers bad fur day on it, improved.. and motorstorm from ps3 =\
Yea, you would think that they would have super smash brothers for n64 by now. Maybe they're waiting for ssbb to come out and then they'll release it. I would also like it if they released the original Pokemon Stadium for n64 but it would probaly be pointless if you can't connect your gameboy color to the wii.
NES: Attack of the Killer Tomatoes.... so corny its good
SNES: NBA jams... Play as Bill Clinton and Al Gore
N64: Army Men.... just about any of them
Super Smash Bros For N64, That Would Be Awesome. And They Should Bring Out DK Country, Or Is That Already Out, I Still Play On That Today Lol :crazy:
halo, fun game even better online when it dont lag, manhunt ...wait is it out for wii ? idk. and umm .... all mario games and shooter games from SG awesome games.