gifts chanel

AceAlabama said:
I have 2 wiis.
can I send LOZ:ALttP I have on wii1 to wii2?

No, you're never actually downloading the gift game. You're just paying for it.
daviduk200 said:
bad idea to buy them for otehrs silly in my opinion nobody will do it lol, uless they are ricjh lol

People buy gifts for other people all the time.

but it could be one step forward to online VC multiplayer

It is totally unrelated to that. This will be a new feature of the Wii Shopping Channel.
wait, so can you buy the game and send it to your wii friend without them paying? or do you have to buy the game again to send it?
dark samus said:
wait, so can you buy the game and send it to your wii friend without them paying? or do you have to buy the game again to send it?

You can't send things you have bought and downloaded for yourself. You're just paying for someone else, they are the only ones who get the game. If you want the same game, you will have to buy it for yourself.
dark samus said:
wait, so can you buy the game and send it to your wii friend without them paying? or do you have to buy the game again to send it?
Interesting point...What if you already have the game that you want to send and you send it to a friend? I think that it will be moved from your memory to your friend's memory. OR, the gift can only be sent from the shop channel to the wii in question. But then again...this is getting confusing! Basically there may be no way to get around sending free games.
still a terible idea in my opinion, i eman we can just buy cars ant tell our mates the code instead, this is a pointless waste of time and investment, unless it lest us share the games it is worthless
I think its funny because everyone is complaining about the VC games price. To be honest that's about average. If you can find a legit (meaning not a yard sale or your best friend) place that sells these games, that's about right. NES games go for about $5-6 depending. Now some of the imports, etc. maybe a little pricey but they are about the average price.
In the long term this is a massive advantage! If VC turned online playable it would be drastically easier for a friend to share. The poor could actually syphon off the rich this way. If you saw Ebay with the PS3 last year you know the rich have money to blow. So go build up your friends list!

I'll be using this feature to give my friends X-mas games. It sure saves shipping costs, and delivery delays. Most of my friends are out of state and I feel lame giving them a $5-$10 gift card when I can now give them a kick ass $5-$10 game.
Small additions like this are the things that make a great difference to the way we look at games. I think it is a great idea, so thanks for the info.
Gampla said:
I hope u can trade games cause i got alot of VC games i wanna trade away.

Thats what ive been wishing for but It wont happen cuz nint would lose out on so much money
Trading would be a good way to socialize, because as it stands, I have no Wii-friends, and thats why I joined this website.
ShawVAuto said:
I think its funny because everyone is complaining about the VC games price. To be honest that's about average. If you can find a legit (meaning not a yard sale or your best friend) place that sells these games, that's about right. NES games go for about $5-6 depending. Now some of the imports, etc. maybe a little pricey but they are about the average price.

And not only that, but the Shopping Channel offers convenience. If you want a particular old game, you don't have to hunt it down at a garage sale, or ebay, or find it used in a retail store. You can get it instantly. That's worth a small bump in price in my opinion.