gifts chanel

Kinda weird idea they have.
I probably won't be doing this very much or at all.
Thanks for sharing though.
ShawVAuto said:
I think its funny because everyone is complaining about the VC games price. To be honest that's about average. If you can find a legit (meaning not a yard sale or your best friend) place that sells these games, that's about right. NES games go for about $5-6 depending. Now some of the imports, etc. maybe a little pricey but they are about the average price.

Incorrect. i bought Super Mario Bros/Duckhunt, as well as Mario 2 & 3 for less than $5 total at a store about a year ago, on VC that would've cost me $15 without duckhunt. I didn't even need SM/DH because i already had it and i didn't want mario 2 becasuse i don't really like it but for $4 it was worth it for mario 3 and i got the bonus of having an extra mario 1 cart as well as getting mario 2 even though i didn't play it. Yeah i know some games are more based on rarity like Zelda for instance but in this case rarity doesn't come into the equation for VC games. I'm not saying i think they should be free or anything like that. I'd happily pay $1-$2 for mario 1 on VC for the convenience factor and maybe $5 for mario 64 for the same reason. But $10 for an N64 game that i can go to gamestop and find for a small fraction of the price is insane. I'm all for making a profit but the amount they're charging is slightly insane especially considering a lot of the people who own Wii have atleast N64, and i'm sure a lot have NES & SNES as well. I have those 3 plus sega, GC, jaguar, game boy, gba, and 32x. So for me it isn't worth it at all for the prices. If like i said it was a range from $1-$5 instead of $5-$10 then it would be a different story.
Super Mario Bros/Duckhunt is worth about $.99, $1.99 max, $5 is quite more than a small bump in price. I don't mean to sound super cheap but it just doesn't seem worth the price for some of these games.
Just my opinion

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i got super mario all stars for £4 in a shop/ the game incliudes.

mario the lost levels,
mario bros,
mario bros 2
mario bros 3

now that in VC channel would have been around £20

also, i can get a variety of n64 games from shops for 50P a cartridge. thats 2 for £1 thats $1 each,

and i prefer to play on my actual consoles they belong on because the controls suit them best, as they were made for them controls
I doubt unless you have a broke friend who doesnt have a card they can use to buy wii points, then this channel is hardly beneficial..
I think the point is:

To get 1000 - 5000 points,
and, lets say, give SMB,
and keep all the other points!!!!!
And, I could get a points card, and give 2 copies of Paper Mario! (1 to frummage and 1 to jess4mick lol! :lol:)