

WiiChat Member
Jun 28, 2011
:wiibox: The Wii just got better today, I finally have a copy of GoldenEye 007 w/Gold Wii Classic Controller Pro...

:papermario: I come from the land of the Xbox Live Community and the olden soloist days when we had no VOIP support in games or online stuff, Old yes, Jaded? No. Sharp as a mint Japanese 1000 fold Katana. Only thing is I'm used to the N64's control scheme so it took awhile to adjust but I got the knack of it with the Gold Pro Classic.

Started to make no less than 10 kills a match which is good for team games, been having a blast. Then I happened to notice that games for the Wii have been, to date for the least for Multiplayer quite: "lackluster"....

Well there is no Wii LIVE/PLUS so? I got the Idea to ask does anyone here got an Xbox? Hm??- yes? If so, we can all friend each other and play GoldenEye with mics. Then maybe "Wii" could have some fun together as 007 vets.

I'm sure you'll find how I write differs how I talk vocally. In the mean-time;

What do you think about using the XBOX 360 for the Wii? (Live Party up) yay! :yesnod: or nay! :frown5:

[:mushroomlife:]ADDITIONALLY; Been wanting to play others again of my Veteran 007 "skill-set" and age, which is ideally 18 and older, Just PM me a Name, Your FC# and Live Gamertag. Or post here :wink:. Alternatively I would use "Skype", but My PC is up stairs and 360 downstairs.

Tag: HiT
Country: USA
State: MI
Time: Eastern Atlantic
Clan Owner: Yes
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Noble idea. BlOPs has VOIP capabilities. It's a shame that GE couldn't do that, unlike The Conduit (which the online sucked.).

I'd prefer Skype. If you have a netbook or a laptop, you're set. You can also hook up a wireless headset, if you were that desperate. Or bluetooth. Your choice.
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Well I've been off and on playing Golden-Eye on the Wii, I moved my PC and Wii next one another, amongst other gear- this room is now messier than some kid's dorm but it'll do and I have a usb Tritton AxPro head-set mic from mad catz. As for; Black ops? meh. I could care less about that, but its nice to know that VOIP is highly possible on the Wii. Makes you wonder what the heck the big N's thinking? these days. (Save that idea for another topic I suppose.) I can get Skype and my ol' Live-Vision cam working too, video feed isn't necessary on Skype, but for those that have Gmail its free and up to four can conference via video+mic or mic.
Yeah, I was greatly disappointed that GE couldn't support VOIP.

That would help IMMENSELY in team matches. But yeah, for the wii, I think only BlOPs and The Conduit, and maybe Conduit 2 support VOIP
I am glad there's no voice chat on GE. Would you really wanna listen to 12yr old kids crying and bitching the entire map before they host quit? I prefer skyping myself.
That's true, but you could always mute them.

I mean, like you don't hear 12 year olds on BlOPs, Halo, or any friggen COD game?
That's true, but you could always mute them.

I mean, like you don't hear 12 year olds on BlOPs, Halo, or any friggen COD game?

I'm the evil, xmas commie, so i like to hear kids cry cuz they're noobs getting killed 21:1 by me! <*o*>
spoiled wimps, i had to wait 5 years to get a wii, yeah i wish wii had online audio so i can ''hohoho'' as i snipe em.

i think they don't have it cuz soccer mom'll hear guys talk nasty to them. then they'd sue nintendo for zexual harrassment.

plus you'll hear tons of n-bombs & f-bombs.
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Well I'm going to have to dig out my Skype account, lost my old pass for the one I wanted to use. As for all the "12" year olds on Live or lil kids on a PS3? well they can kiss my shiny metallic golden guns. mute button is right, however I don't think everyone will care to use it unless the kid is on your "Team"...where you'd have to hear it all. well I'll get back on here to the GE forum later on tonight, for now I hope that this can be picked up by some of the other members with their own opinions on the subject matter of Wii VOIP options too. anyone ever think Google talk might be good too? ( if not all of us can use Skype) remember Skype is demanding so a net-book may not have the ram and GPU power.
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