Got my wii yesterday!

Drifterwitnoname said:
Walmart in Tennessee is packed full of Wiimotes, nunchucks, cards, memory cards etc. Im on vacation at got my Wii Today at BestBuy they got 63

aer0sense said:
Well I got my gamecube games for now, though I want to buy Zelda but its sold out everywhere. Plus Marvell Ultimate Alliance is hard to find. Ill see if I can find 2000 points Card today so I can buy Super Mario bros. - its a classic :ee5k

If you have a Wal-Mart near your house go there, the one by me has a sh*tload of games, including zelda. No Wiis tho.
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Well I got zelda today, they had 11 yesterday at the local Future Shop (canadian sort of best buy), and I went today and they had 1 left - picked it up - lucky again I suppose...? last wii, last zelda...

Been playing it pretty much since I got it, its sweet but yeah the hand does get sweaty after a lot of playing but not much.
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that makes me cry.... now i find myself singing.. oh when oh when will i get my own wii oh when oh when will that beeeee ??