I bit the bullet and bought a PS3...

paintba||er said:
For all you people getting PS3s there is some promotion thing going on where if you buy a Blu-ray player that is on this list (the PS3 is on it) they mail you five Blu-rays or something. Unfortunately I bought mine a week or two before that started. I don't have a link, but I'm sure you can find it easily with a search engine.

Game stop is having that deal you get the 500 dollar PS3 and 5 blu ray movies. On a side note I think Blu ray has won the format war
Celestial said:
lol, that's not a fair drop, thats half price... It's not happening

yeah maybe i under exaggerated...only a little..

it is down to £400 most places, and the odd place giving free hdmi cable/bluray movie....or if its still at the original £425 you get a game with that..
With that money, you could've bought 20gig 360 AND 4 games (Forza 2, Gears, Halo Saga) :sick:

And you said you cant wait to play online 360's online is so awesome I could play gears from dusk till dawn :ciappa:
Jangles said:
With that money, you could've bought 20gig 360 AND 4 games (Forza 2, Gears, Halo Saga) :sick:

And you said you cant wait to play online 360's online is so awesome I could play gears from dusk till dawn :ciappa:
How could you buy four games for $100? Unless they are used. Plus you would have to pay for Live, and assuming you have the console for five years that would cost you $250....
I think he bought it before it went down when it was 600 dollars PLUS now that its gone down and theres an 80 gig youd want it and okay if you want a bunch of games get the core even no I just said youd want an 80 gig ps3 :lol:
Buy a 60 gig quick if you want a PS3. They are no longer in production. Once the last one is gone that is it.
im getting a ps3 in 2008 once mgs 4, killzone, and little big planet come out. as for now im sticking to wii and 360 cuz 360 has games that i like and wii has games coming in 2007 that i like, like brawl and galexy.